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[openlib.git] / www / lang / Localization_zh.json
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108 "i18n.dateGenerated":"目录生成于 {0}",
109 "deeplevel.summary":"{0} broken up by authors, tags, etc. ",
110 "about.title":"关于COPS",
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112 "usage.intro":"选项从此配置文件生成 {0}",
113 "language.title":"语言",
114 "config.Language.description":"此项设置将会改变程序使用的语言 ; 请使用ISO标准语言代码 (例如 EN, FR, DE...)",
115 "config.Language.possible":"可能的选项 : {0}",
116 "intro.goal":"从你的 Calibre 数据库生成 OPDS 和 HTML 目录",
117 "intro.wiki.title":"项目主页 : ",
118 "intro.wiki.url":"http://calibre2opds.com",
119 "intro.team.title":"项目人员 :",
120 "intro.team.list1":"David Pierron - main programmer",
121 "intro.team.list2":"Dave Walker - guru, features manager and tester extraordinaire",
122 "intro.team.list3":"Farid Soussi - css and html guru",
123 "intro.team.list4":"Douglas Steele - programmer",
124 "intro.team.list5":"Jane Litte - beta tester and moral support",
125 "intro.thanks.1":"Special thanks to Kb Sriram, who not only programmed Trook, an excellent and OPDS compatible ",
126 "intro.thanks.2":"library manager for the Nook, but also was kind enough to donate a Nook !",
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134 "paging.next.alternate":"下一页",
135 "paging.previous.alternate":"上一页",
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