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5 "home.title":"Hoofd catalogus",
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35 "content.added":"Toegevoegd: ",
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37 "content.publisher.data":"Uitgegeven {1} door {0}",
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41 "bookentry.tags":"{0} in {1}",
42 "bookentry.ratings":"{0} rated {1}",
43 "bookentry.goodreads":"Dit boek op Goodreads",
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50 "bookentry.amazon":"Dit boek op Amazon",
51 "bookentry.amazon.author":"{0} op Amazon",
52 "bookentry.isfdb.author":"{0} op ISFDB",
53 "bookentry.download":"Download dit eboek als {0}",
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71 "recent.title":"Recent toegevoegd",
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73 "recent.list.single":"Meest recente boek",
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80 "main.title":"Calibre bibliotheek",
81 "main.summary":"{0} heeft gecatalogiseerd {1}",
82 "startup.newhome":"Standaard configuratie folder home doorverwezen naar {0}",
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89 "startup.folderuserhome":"Probeer configuratie folder in user home folder {0}",
90 "startup.foldertilde":"Probeer configuratie folder uit tilde folder {0}",
91 "startup.folderjar":"Probeer configuratie folder uit .jar locatie {0}",
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102 "i18n.summarysection":"Omschrijving",
103 "i18n.dateGenerated":"Catalogus gegenereerd op {0}",
104 "deeplevel.summary":"{0} uitgesplitst naar auteurs, tags, etc. ",
105 "about.summary":"Notities hoe Calibre2Opds te gebruiken",
106 "usage.intro":"De opties worden uit het configuratie bestand {0} gebruikt",
107 "language.title":"Taal",
108 "config.Language.description":"Deze setting verandert de taal van het programma ; gebruik de standaard ISO taal code (e.g. EN, FR, DE...)",
109 "config.Language.possible":"Mogelijke waardes : {0}",
110 "intro.goal":"Genereer OPDS and HTML catalogi van je Calibre eboeken database",
111 "intro.wiki.title":"The project''s home : ",
112 "intro.wiki.url":"http://calibre2opds.com",
113 "intro.team.title":"The Calibre2Opds team :",
114 "intro.team.list1":"David Pierron - main programmer",
115 "intro.team.list2":"Dave Walker - guru, features manager and tester extraordinaire",
116 "intro.team.list3":"Farid Soussi - css and html guru",
117 "intro.team.list4":"Douglas Steele - programmer",
118 "intro.team.list5":"Jane Litte - beta tester and moral support",
119 "intro.thanks.1":"Special thanks to Kb Sriram, who not only programmed Trook, an excellent and OPDS compatible ",
120 "intro.thanks.2":"library manager for the Nook, but also was kind enough to donate a Nook !",