+CREATE DEFINER=`admin`@`%` PROCEDURE `Reduce`(pUpTo datetime,pRID integer)
+ declare lNewRID integer;
+ declare lSeconds integer;
+ declare lStart,lEnd timestamp;
+ set lNewRID:=pRID+1;
+ select seconds into lSeconds from reduce_ranges where id=lNewRID;
+ delete from tmp_sensor_values;
+ insert into tmp_sensor_values(sensor_id,parameter_id,timestamp,value)
+ select sensor_id,parameter_id,from_unixtime(avg(unix_timestamp(timestamp))),avg(value)
+ from sensor_values
+ where timestamp<pUpTo and reduced=pRID
+ group by sensor_id,parameter_id,floor(unix_timestamp(timestamp)/lSeconds);
+ select date(min(timestamp)),date(max(timestamp)) into lStart,lEnd from tmp_sensor_values;
+ delete from sensor_values where timestamp<pUpTo and reduced=pRID;
+ insert into sensor_values(sensor_id,parameter_id,timestamp,value,reduced)
+ select sensor_id,parameter_id,timestamp,value,lNewRID from tmp_sensor_values;
+ delete from sensors_ranges
+ where day>=lStart and day<=lEnd;
+ insert into sensors_ranges(day,sensor,parameter,timestamp,min,max)
+ select date(timestamp),sensor_id,parameter_id,max(timestamp),min(value),max(value)
+ from sensor_values
+ where timestamp>=lStart and timestamp<date_add(lEnd, interval 1 day)
+ group by date(timestamp),sensor_id,parameter_id;
+ delete from tmp_sensor_values;
+CREATE DEFINER=`admin`@`%` PROCEDURE `Cron_Reduce`(pMonths integer)
+ declare lTime datetime;
+ select date_sub(date_format(now(),'%Y-%m-01'), interval pMonths month) into lTime;
+ call meteo.reduce(lTime,0);
-- Dump completed on 2014-09-25 14:45:45
`name` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL,
`name_short` varchar(8) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL,
`unit_group` int(11) NOT NULL,
+ `prec` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
KEY `fk_units_group_idx` (`unit_group`),
CONSTRAINT `fk_units_group` FOREIGN KEY (`unit_group`) REFERENCES `unit_groups` (`id`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
--- /dev/null
+CREATE TABLE `tmp_sensor_values` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
+ `sensor_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
+ `timestamp` datetime NOT NULL,
+ `value` float NOT NULL,
+ `parameter_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
+ `reduced` int(11) DEFAULT '0'
--- /dev/null
+Description=Weather Station Monitor
+Requires=network.target mysql.service
--- /dev/null
+import serial
+from os import listdir,system
+from os.path import isfile, join
+from pprint import pprint
+from termios import tcflush, TCIOFLUSH
+from time import sleep,time
+from uuid import getnode
+from hashlib import md5
+import socket
+import sys,traceback
+import pycurl
+from urllib import urlencode
+from StringIO import StringIO
+searchpath = '/dev/serial/by-id/'
+path = None
+baud = None
+timeout = None
+proc = None
+external_submit_interval = 320
+owm_submit_interval = 320
+expire_interval = 1200
+submit_time = time()
+submit_time_owm = time()
+import MySQLdb
+import ConfigParser
+import thread
+from threading import Timer
+def find_port():
+ global serial_num
+ global path
+ files = listdir(searchpath)
+ for f in files:
+ if serialnum in f:
+ return join(searchpath,f)
+ return None
+def open_port(path):
+ global proc, debug
+ if debug>0:
+ print "Opening path "+path
+ if path == "-":
+ return sys.stdin
+ if path[0] == "=":
+ import subprocess
+ sleep(3)
+ command=path[1:]
+ try:
+ command,args=command.split(' ',1)
+ proc = subprocess.Popen([command,args],stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ except:
+ proc = subprocess.Popen([command],stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ import subprocess
+ return proc.stdout
+ ser = serial.Serial(path,baud,timeout=timeout)
+ if ser.portstr:
+ tcflush(ser,TCIOFLUSH);
+ return ser
+def read_port(ser):
+ try:
+ timeout_timer = Timer(timeout, thread.interrupt_main)
+ timeout_timer.start()
+ line=''
+ while line=='':
+ line = ser.readline()
+ line = line.strip()
+ return line
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ return "<<TIMEOUT>>"
+ finally:
+ timeout_timer.cancel()
+def read_loop(ser,callback):
+ global proc
+ while True:
+ try:
+ line=read_port(ser)
+ if line=="<<TIMEOUT>>":
+ if debug>0:
+ print "Reopening port..."
+ print line
+ ser.close()
+ if proc:
+ try:
+ if debug>0:
+ print "Terminating process..."
+ proc.terminate()
+ sleep(5)
+ finally:
+ None
+ ser=open_port(path)
+ if line:
+ callback(line)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ break
+ finally:
+ None
+def print_log(str):
+ global logging
+ if debug>0:
+ print str
+ if logging == "on":
+ system("logger -t weathermon \""+str+"\"")
+def submit_narodmon():
+ param = { 'ID':devid }
+ c = database.cursor()
+ c.execute(
+ '''
+ select nm_id,value from
+ (
+ SELECT sensor_id,parameter_id,max(timestamp) timestamp,round(avg(value),1) value FROM meteo.sensor_values
+ where
+ timestamp>=date_add(now(), INTERVAL -300 SECOND)
+ group by sensor_id,parameter_id
+ ) v,meteo.ext_sensors e
+ where v.sensor_id=e.sensor_id and v.parameter_id=e.param_id
+ and nm_id is not null
+ '''
+ )
+ queue=c.fetchall()
+ if debug>1:
+ pprint(queue)
+ for (sensor,value) in queue:
+ param[sensor] = value
+ if debug>1:
+ pprint (param)
+ url = "http://narodmon.ru/post.php"
+ try:
+ response_buffer = StringIO()
+ curl = pycurl.Curl()
+ curl.setopt(curl.URL, url)
+ curl.setopt(curl.WRITEFUNCTION, response_buffer.write)
+ curl.setopt(curl.POST, 1)
+ curl.setopt(curl.POSTFIELDS, urlencode(param))
+ curl.perform()
+ curl.close()
+ response_value = response_buffer.getvalue()
+ print_log('Narodmon response: '+response_value)
+ return True
+ except:
+ exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_tb(exc_traceback, limit=1, file=sys.stdout)
+ traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback,
+ limit=2, file=sys.stdout)
+ return False
+def submit_owm():
+ url = "http://openweathermap.org/data/post"
+ params = {'name':owm_station, 'lat':owm_lat, 'long':owm_lon}
+ c = database.cursor()
+ c.execute(
+ '''
+ select owm_id,value from
+ (
+ SELECT sensor_id,parameter_id,max(timestamp) timestamp,round(avg(value),1) value FROM meteo.sensor_values
+ where
+ timestamp>=date_add(now(), INTERVAL -300 SECOND)
+ group by sensor_id,parameter_id
+ ) v,meteo.ext_sensors e
+ where v.sensor_id=e.sensor_id and v.parameter_id=e.param_id
+ and owm_id is not null
+ '''
+ )
+ queue=c.fetchall()
+ if debug>1:
+ pprint(queue)
+ for (sensor,value) in queue:
+ params[sensor]=value
+ if debug>1:
+ pprint (params)
+ try:
+ response_buffer = StringIO()
+ curl = pycurl.Curl()
+ curl.setopt(curl.URL, url)
+ curl.setopt(curl.USERPWD, '%s:%s' % (owmuser, owmpasswd))
+ curl.setopt(curl.WRITEFUNCTION, response_buffer.write)
+ curl.setopt(curl.POST, 1)
+ curl.setopt(curl.POSTFIELDS, urlencode(params))
+ curl.perform()
+ curl.close()
+ response_value = response_buffer.getvalue()
+ print_log('Openweathermap response: '+response_value)
+ return True
+ except:
+ exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_tb(exc_traceback, limit=1, file=sys.stdout)
+ traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback,
+ limit=2, file=sys.stdout)
+ return False
+def submit_data(sensor_type,sensor_id,sensor_param,param_value):
+ global submit_time
+ global submit_time_owm
+ global external_submit_interval
+ global owm_submit_interval
+ c = database.cursor()
+ c.execute('CALL meteo.submit_value(%s,%s,%s,%s,NULL)', (sensor_type,sensor_id,sensor_param,param_value))
+ database.commit()
+ if narmon=='on' and time()>submit_time+external_submit_interval:
+ submit_narodmon()
+ submit_time=time()
+ if owmuser and time()>submit_time_owm+owm_submit_interval:
+ submit_owm()
+ submit_time_owm=time()
+def process_str(str):
+ print_log("Received: "+str)
+ try:
+ msg_type, msg_body = str.split(':')
+ except:
+ return
+ try:
+ if msg_type == 'STATUS':
+ print_log('Status: '+msg_body)
+ elif msg_type == 'ERROR':
+ print_log('Error: '+ msg_body)
+ elif msg_type == 'SENSOR':
+ sens = msg_body.split(',')
+ sensor = {}
+ sensor_type = None
+ sensor_id = None
+ for rec in sens:
+ key,value = rec.split('=')
+ value=value.strip()
+ if len(value)>0:
+ if key == 'TYPE':
+ sensor_type = value
+ elif key == 'ID':
+ sensor_id = value
+ else:
+ sensor[key] = value
+ if sensor_type:
+ if not sensor_id:
+ sensor_id=devid;
+ for key in sensor:
+ if sensor[key]:
+ print_log('Type = '+sensor_type+', ID = '+sensor_id+', Param = '+key+', Value = '+sensor[key])
+ submit_data(sensor_type,sensor_id,key,sensor[key])
+ else:
+ print_log('Error: got empty parameter value for '+sensor_type+'.'+sensor_id+'.'+key)
+ elif msg_type == "ALARM":
+ alarm = msg_body.split(',')
+ device_type = None
+ device_id = None
+ for rec in alarm:
+ key,value = rec.split('=')
+ value=value.strip()
+ if len(value)>0:
+ if key == 'TYPE':
+ device_type = value
+ if key == 'ID':
+ device_id = value
+ if device_type:
+ if not device_id:
+ device_id=devid;
+ print_log("Alarm: Type = "+device_type+", ID = "+device_id)
+ if alarm_script:
+ try:
+ proc = subprocess.Popen([alarm_script,device_type,device_id,msg_body])
+ except:
+ print_log("Failed to execute alarm script")
+ except:
+ print_log('Exception processing...')
+ exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_tb(exc_traceback, limit=1, file=sys.stdout)
+ traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback,
+ limit=5, file=sys.stdout)
+ try:
+ database.close()
+ except:
+ None
+ reconnect()
+def weather_mon():
+ global path
+ if path is None:
+ path = find_port()
+ ser = open_port(path)
+ read_loop(ser,process_str)
+def reconnect():
+ connected = False
+ while not connected:
+ try:
+ global database
+ database = MySQLdb.connect(host=dbhost,user=dbuser,passwd=dbpasswd,use_unicode=True,connect_timeout=10)
+ database.set_character_set('utf8')
+ c = database.cursor()
+ c.execute('SET NAMES utf8;')
+ print_log("Database connected...")
+ connected = True
+ except:
+ print_log("Error connecting database")
+ sleep(30)
+def main():
+ weather_mon()
+def init():
+ global dbhost,dbuser,dbpasswd,path,serialnum,logging,debug;
+ global timeout,baud,narmon,devid;
+ global owmuser,owmpasswd,owm_temp,owm_pres,owm_humi,owm_lat,owm_lon,owm_station;
+ global alarm_script;
+ try:
+ cfg = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
+ cfg.readfp(open('/etc/weathermon.conf'))
+ dbhost = cfg.get("mysql","host")
+ dbuser = cfg.get("mysql","user")
+ dbpasswd = cfg.get("mysql","passwd")
+ try:
+ debug = cfg.get("logging","debug")
+ except:
+ debug = 0
+ try:
+ path = cfg.get("serial","port");
+ except:
+ path = None
+ try:
+ serialnum = cfg.get("serial","id")
+ except:
+ serialnum = None
+ try:
+ logging = cfg.get("logging","enabled")
+ except:
+ logging = None
+ try:
+ timeout = int(cfg.get("serial","timeout"))
+ except:
+ timeout = 120
+ try:
+ baud = int(cfg.get("serial","baud"))
+ except:
+ baud = 57600
+ try:
+ narmon = cfg.get("narodmon","enable")
+ except:
+ narmon = 'off'
+ try:
+ devid = cfg.get("narodmon","devid")
+ except:
+ devid = "{:0>12X}".format(getnode())
+ try:
+ owmuser = cfg.get("openweathermap","user")
+ owmpasswd = cfg.get("openweathermap",'passwd')
+ except:
+ owmuser = None
+ if owmuser:
+ owm_temp = cfg.get("openweathermap",'temp')
+ owm_pres = cfg.get("openweathermap",'pres')
+ owm_humi = cfg.get("openweathermap",'humi')
+ owm_lat = cfg.get("openweathermap",'lat')
+ owm_lon = cfg.get("openweathermap",'lon')
+ owm_station = cfg.get("openweathermap",'station')
+ try:
+ alarm_script = cfg.get("alarm","exec")
+ import subprocess
+ except:
+ alarm_script = None
+ reconnect()
+ except:
+ print_log("Cannot intialize system")
+ exit()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import sys
+ reload(sys)
+ sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8')
+ init()
+ main()
web_user = cur.get(config,"web","user")
web_pass = cur.get(config,"web","password")
web_devid = cur.get(config,"web","devid")
+ web_iface = cur.get(config,"web","iface")
- io.input("/sys/class/net/eth0/address")
+ if web_iface then
+ io.input("/sys/class/net/"..web_iface.."/address")
+ else
+ io.input("/sys/class/net/eth0/address")
+ end
mac = io.read("*line")
mac = mac:gsub(":","")
mac = mac:upper()
web_devid = web_devid or mac
logging = cur.get(config,"logging","enabled")
+ serial_port = cur.get(config,"serial","port")
+ serial_baud = cur.get(config,"serial","baud")
+ command = "stty -F "..serial_port.." "..serial_baud
+ os.execute(command)
require "socket"
function submitValue(type,id,param,val)
- printLog("URL="..web_url)
url = web_url.."?stype="..type.."&sid="..id.."¶m="..param.."&value="..val
- printLog(url)
command = "curl"
+ if web_iface then
+ command = command.." --interface "..web_iface
+ end
if web_user then
command = command.." -u "..web_user..":"..web_pass
command = command.." \""..url.."\""
- printLog("COMMAND=\""..command.."\"")
+ print(command)
for k,v in pairs(sensor) do
- printLog("Type = "..sensor_type..", ID = "..sensor_id..", Param = "..key..", Value = "..value)
- submitValue(sensor_type,sensor_id,key,value)
+ printLog("Type = "..sensor_type..", ID = "..sensor_id..", Param = "..k..", Value = "..v)
+ submitValue(sensor_type,sensor_id,k,v)
+while 1 do
+ line=serialin:read()
+ print(line)
+ processLine(line)
+++ /dev/null
-ARDUINO_PORT=`uci get weathermon.serial.port`
-BAUD=`uci get weathermon.serial.baud`
-while read LINE; do
- weathermon.lua $LINE
option url http://estia.rvb-home.lan/meteo/send.php
option user meteo
option password somestrictpassword
+ option iface eth0
config internal 'serial'
option port /dev/ttyUSB0
a:visited { text-decoration: none; color:darkblue; }
a:link { text-decoration: none; color:blue; }
- a:hover { text-decoration: none; color:navy; }
+ a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color:navy; }
<body text="black" bgcolor="silver" link="blue" vlink="#000080" alink="#FF0000">
+ $client_ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
+ if ((strpos($client_ip, "192.168.") === 0) || (strpos($client_ip, "10.8.") === 0)
+ || (strpos($client_ip, "2a02:578:5002:8174:") === 0)
+ || (strpos($client_ip, "2a02:578:5002:196::2") === 0)) {
+ $local_net = True;
+ } else {
+ $local_net = False;
+ }
$year = $_REQUEST['year'];
$month = $_REQUEST['month'];
$day = $_REQUEST['day'];
while ($row = $q -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
- <a class="year" href="?year=<?php echo $row['year']; ?>">Данные за <?php echo $row['year']; ?> год</a><br>
+ <a class="year" href="?year=<?php echo $row['year']; ?>">Данные за <?php echo $row['year']; ?> год</a>
$next_year = $year+1;
+ if (!$local_net) {
+ $filter = ' and s.is_public=1';
+ } else {
+ $filter = '';
+ }
$q = $db -> prepare (
s.id sensor,p.id param,s.s_description sensor_name,p.st_description param_name,
v.parameter=p.id and
p.st_unit=u.id and
v.day>=str_to_date(\''.$year.'-01-01\',\'%Y-%m-%d\') and
- v.day<str_to_date(\''.$next_year.'-01-01\',\'%Y-%m-%d\')
+ v.day<str_to_date(\''.$next_year.'-01-01\',\'%Y-%m-%d\''.$filter.')
group by s.id,p.id,s.s_description,p.st_description
order by s.id,p.id'
$month = sprintf('%02d',$month);
$year = sprintf('%04d',$year);
+ if (!$local_net) {
+ $filter = ' and s.is_public=1';
+ } else {
+ $filter = '';
+ }
$q = $db -> prepare(
date_format(day,\'%d\') as day
- sensors_ranges
+ sensors_ranges r,sensors s
+ s.id=r.sensor and
day>=str_to_date(\''.$year.'-'.$month.'-01\',\'%Y-%m-%d\') and
- day<str_to_date(\''.$next_year.'-'.$next_month.'-01\',\'%Y-%m-%d\')
+ day<str_to_date(\''.$next_year.'-'.$next_month.'-01\',\'%Y-%m-%d\')'.$filter.'
group by day
order by day'
+ if (!$local_net) {
+ $filter = ' and s.is_public=1';
+ } else {
+ $filter = '';
+ }
$q = $db -> prepare (
v.parameter=p.id and
p.st_unit=u.id and
v.day>=str_to_date(\''.$year.'-'.$month.'-01\',\'%Y-%m-%d\') and
- v.day<str_to_date(\''.$next_year.'-'.$next_month.'-01\',\'%Y-%m-%d\')
+ v.day<str_to_date(\''.$next_year.'-'.$next_month.'-01\',\'%Y-%m-%d\')'.$filter.'
group by s.id,p.id,s.s_description,p.st_description
order by s.id,p.id'
$year = sprintf('%04d',$year);
$day = sprintf('%02d',$day);
+ if (!$local_net) {
+ $filter = ' and s.is_public=1';
+ } else {
+ $filter = '';
+ }
$q = $db -> prepare(
distinct v.sensor as sensor_id,s.s_description,p.id as param_id,p.st_description
and v.sensor=s.id
- and v.parameter=p.id'
+ and v.parameter=p.id'.$filter
$q -> execute();
$mysql_host = 'host';
$mysql_schema = 'meteo';
$mysql_user = 'meteo';
- $mysql_pwd = 'somestrictpasswd';
+ $mysql_pwd = 'somestrongpasswd';
$mysql_port = 3306;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- $valid_ip_start = ip2long('');
- $valid_ip_end = ip2long('');
->>>>>>> 438eca78d7802bd2758a4969b80bb0be6b9f14f6
+ $valid_ip_start = ip2long('');
+ $valid_ip_end = ip2long('');
\ No newline at end of file
<style type="text/css">
a:visited { text-decoration: none; color:darkblue; }
a:link { text-decoration: none; color:blue; }
- a:hover { text-decoration: none; color:navy; }
+ a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color:navy; }
<body text="black" bgcolor="silver" link="blue" vlink="#000080" alink="#FF0000">
+$client_ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
+if ((strpos($client_ip, "192.168.") === 0) || (strpos($client_ip, "10.8.") === 0)
+ || (strpos($client_ip, "2a02:578:5002:8174:") === 0)
+ || (strpos($client_ip, "2a02:578:5002:196::2") === 0)) {
+ $local_net = True;
+} else {
+ $local_net = False;
if (! ($db = new PDO("mysql:host=$mysql_host;port=$mysql_port;dbname=$mysql_schema",$mysql_user,$mysql_pwd,array( PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => false)))) {
$db -> exec('SET CHARACTER SET utf8');
+if (!$local_net) {
+ $filter = ' and s.is_public=1';
+} else {
+ $filter = '';
$q = $db -> prepare(
distinct v.sensor_id,s.s_description,p.id as param_id,p.st_description
v.timestamp>adddate(now(), -1)
and v.sensor_id=s.id
and s.st_id=p.st_id
- and p.id>=0
+ and p.id>=0'.$filter.'
order by s_description,st_description'
$q -> execute();
<?php // content="text/plain; charset=utf-8"
-error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_STRICT & ~E_NOTICE);
+error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_STRICT & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED);
include ('config_local.php');
if (! ($db = new PDO("mysql:host=$mysql_host;port=$mysql_port;dbname=$mysql_schema",$mysql_user,$mysql_pwd,array( PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => false)))) {
- die('Не могу подключиться к БД');
+ die('Ð\9dе могу подключитьÑ\81Ñ\8f к БД');
$q = $db -> prepare(
- 'select u.name_short from units u where u.id='.$to_unit
+ 'select u.name_short,u.prec from units u where u.id='.$to_unit
$q -> execute();
while ($row = $q -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$param_unit = $row['name_short'];
+ $precision = $row['prec'];
$xdata = array();
+ $g->yaxis->SetLabelFormat("%0.".$precision."f");
# $g->xaxis->scale->SetTimeAlign( HOURADJ_1 );
- // We use a scatterplot to illustrate the original
- // contro points.
- $splot = new ScatterPlot($ydata,$xdata);
- $g->Add($splot);
- //
- $splot->mark->SetFillColor($dot_color);
- $splot->mark->SetColor($dot_color);
- $splot->mark->SetType(MARK_FILLEDCIRCLE);
- $splot->mark->SetSize(2);
+ if ($type!="last24small") {
+ // We use a scatterplot to illustrate the original
+ // contro points.
+ $splot = new ScatterPlot($ydata,$xdata);
+ $g->Add($splot);
+ //
+ $splot->mark->SetFillColor($dot_color);
+ $splot->mark->SetColor($dot_color);
+ $splot->mark->SetType(MARK_FILLEDCIRCLE);
+ $splot->mark->SetSize(2);
+ }
$fplot = new LinePlot($f_ydata,$xdata);
} else {
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
- die('СенÑ\81оÑ\80 не вÑ\8bбÑ\80ан!');
+ die('Ã\90¡Ã\90µÃ\90½Ã\91Â\81Ã\90¾Ã\91â\82¬ Ã\90½Ã\90µ Ã\90²Ã\91â\80¹Ã\90±Ã\91â\82¬Ã\90°Ã\90½!');
$q = $db -> prepare(
- 'select st.st_fill_color_top,st.st_fill_color_bottom,st.st_description,u.id,u.unit_group from st_parameters st,units u where st.id='.$param.' and st.st_unit=u.id
+ 'select st.st_fill_color_top,st.st_fill_color_bottom,st.st_description,u.id,u.unit_group from st_parameters st,units u where st.id='.$param.' and st.st_unit=u.id'
$q -> execute();
$next_year = $year;
$next_month = $month+1;
- if ($month==13) {
+ if ($month==12) {
$curr = date("Ym");
+ $ym=sprintf('%04d%02d',$next_year,$next_month);
- if ($curr>$next_year.$next_month) {
+ if ($curr>$ym) {
+ $datestr=sprintf("%04d%02d01",$year,$month);
+ $nextdatestr=sprintf("%04d%02d01",$next_year,$next_month);
$q = $db -> prepare(
- '
+ '
unitconv(min(min),'.$from_unit.','.$to_unit.') min_value,
- day>=str_to_date(\''.$year.$month.'\',\'%Y%m\')
- and day<str_to_date(\''.$next_year.$next_month.'\',\'%Y%m\')
+ day>=STR_TO_DATE(\''.$datestr.'\',\'%Y%m%d\')
+ and day<STR_TO_DATE(\''.$nextdatestr.'\',\'%Y%m%d\')
and sensor='.$sensor.'
and parameter='.$param.'
) t group by x
order by x'
} elseif ($type == "year") {
$next_year = $year+1;
+ $datestr=sprintf("%04d0101",$year);
+ $nextdatestr=sprintf("%04d0101",$next_year);
$q = $db -> prepare(
- day>=str_to_date(\''.$year.'\',\'%Y\')
- and day<str_to_date(\''.$next_year.'\',\'%Y\')
+ day>=STR_TO_DATE(\''.$datestr.'\',\'%Y%m%d\')
+ and day<STR_TO_DATE(\''.$nextdatestr.'\',\'%Y%m%d\')
and sensor='.$sensor.'
and parameter='.$param.'
) t group by x
// Create the graph
$g->graph_theme = null;
<style type="text/css">
a:visited { text-decoration: none; color:darkblue; }
a:link { text-decoration: none; color:blue; }
- a:hover { text-decoration: none; color:navy; }
+ a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color:navy; }
.header { font-size: 16; float: left; margin: 10px;}
.timestamp { font-size: 16; margin: 10px;}
.value { font-size: 60; margin: 10px; }
<div class="container">
+ $client_ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
+ if ((strpos($client_ip, "192.168.") === 0) || (strpos($client_ip, "10.8.") === 0)
+ || (strpos($client_ip, "2a02:578:5002:8174:") === 0)
+ || (strpos($client_ip, "2a02:578:5002:196::2") === 0)) {
+ $local_net = True;
+ } else {
+ $local_net = False;
+ }
$db -> exec('SET CHARACTER SET utf8');
+if (!$local_net) {
+ $filter = ' and s.is_public=1';
+} else {
+ $filter = '';
$q = $db -> prepare(
distinct v.sensor_id,s.s_description,p.id as param_id,p.st_description
sensor_values v,st_parameters p,sensors s
v.timestamp>adddate(now(), -1)
- and v.sensor_id=s.id
+ and v.sensor_id=s.id
+ and v.parameter_id=p.id
and s.st_id=p.st_id
- and p.id>=0
+ and p.id>=0'.$filter.'
order by s_description,st_description'
$q -> execute();
$ql -> execute();
$printable_ts = "?";
-$value = "?";
+$val = "?";
if ($rowl = $ql -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$from_unit = $units['from'];
$to_unit = $units['to'];
$param_unit = $units['name'];
$val = convert_unit($db,$value,$from_unit,$to_unit);
-echo '<div class="timestamp">'.$printable_ts.'</div>';
-echo '<div class="value">'.$val.' '.$param_unit.'</div>';
+if ($printable_ts != '?') {
+ echo '<div class="timestamp">'.$printable_ts.'</div>';
+ echo '<div class="value">'.$val.' '.$param_unit.'</div>';
-<div class="graph"><img src="image.php?sensor=<?php echo $row['sensor_id']; ?>¶m=<?php echo $row['param_id']?>&type=last24small"></div>
+<div class="graph"><a href="image.php?sensor=<?php echo $row['sensor_id']; ?>¶m=<?php echo $row['param_id']?>&type=last24"><img src="image.php?sensor=<?php echo $row['sensor_id']; ?>¶m=<?php echo $row['param_id']?>&type=last24small"></a></div>
echo "</div>";
$str = "CALL meteo.submit_value('".$stype."','".$sid."','".$param."',".$value.",NULL)";
- if (!$connection->query($str)) {
- header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error');
- exit;
- } else {
- $connection->commit();
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
- <title>Meteo logger</title>
-OK Logged
+ if (!$connection->query($str)) {
+ header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error');
+ exit;
+ } else {
+ $connection->commit();
+ echo "OK Logged";