Больше не поддерживается вариант на python.
authorRoman Bazalevsky <rvb@rvb.name>
Tue, 6 Nov 2018 14:07:58 +0000 (17:07 +0300)
committerRoman Bazalevsky <rvb@rvb.name>
Tue, 6 Nov 2018 14:07:58 +0000 (17:07 +0300)
Добавлен "ведомый" скрипт для использования hwmon и iio-интерфейсов датчиков.

weathermon [deleted file]
weathermon-iio [new file with mode: 0755]
weathermon-light [deleted file]

diff --git a/weathermon b/weathermon
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 19688cb..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
-import serial
-from os import listdir,system
-from os.path import isfile, join
-from pprint import pprint
-from termios import tcflush, TCIOFLUSH
-from time import sleep,time
-from uuid import getnode
-from hashlib import md5
-import socket
-import sys,traceback
-import pycurl
-from urllib import urlencode
-from StringIO import StringIO
-searchpath = '/dev/serial/by-id/'
-path = None
-baud = None
-timeout = None
-proc = None
-external_submit_interval = 320
-owm_submit_interval = 320
-expire_interval = 1200
-submit_time = time()
-submit_time_owm = time()
-import MySQLdb
-import ConfigParser
-import thread
-from threading import Timer
-def find_port():
-  global serial_num
-  global path
-  files = listdir(searchpath)
-  for f in files:
-    if serialnum in f:
-      return join(searchpath,f)
-  return None
-def open_port(path):
-  global proc, debug
-  if debug>0:
-    print "Opening path "+path
-  if path == "-":
-    return sys.stdin
-  if path[0] == "=":
-    import subprocess
-    sleep(3)
-    command=path[1:]
-    try:
-      command,args=command.split(' ',1)
-      proc = subprocess.Popen([command,args],stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-    except:
-      proc = subprocess.Popen([command],stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-    import subprocess
-    return proc.stdout
-  ser = serial.Serial(path,baud,timeout=timeout)
-  if ser.portstr:
-    tcflush(ser,TCIOFLUSH);
-  return ser
-def read_port(ser):
-  try: 
-    timeout_timer = Timer(timeout, thread.interrupt_main)
-    timeout_timer.start()
-    line=''
-    while line=='':
-      line = ser.readline()
-      line = line.strip()
-    return line
-  except KeyboardInterrupt:
-    return "<<TIMEOUT>>"
-  finally:
-    timeout_timer.cancel()
-def read_loop(ser,callback):
-  global proc
-  while True:
-    try:
-      line=read_port(ser)
-      if line=="<<TIMEOUT>>":
-        if debug>0:
-          print "Reopening port..."
-          print line
-        ser.close()
-        if proc:
-          try:
-            if debug>0:
-              print "Terminating process..."
-            proc.terminate()
-            sleep(5)
-          finally:
-            None  
-        ser=open_port(path)
-      if line:
-        callback(line)
-    except KeyboardInterrupt:
-      break
-    finally:
-      None
-def print_log(str):
-  global logging
-  if debug>0:
-    print str
-  if logging == "on":
-    system("logger -t weathermon \""+str+"\"")
-def submit_narodmon():
-  param = { 'ID':devid }
-  c = database.cursor()
-  c.execute(
-    '''
-    select nm_id,value from
-    (
-    SELECT sensor_id,parameter_id,max(timestamp) timestamp,round(avg(value),1) value FROM meteo.sensor_values
-    where 
-    timestamp>=date_add(now(), INTERVAL -300 SECOND)
-    group by sensor_id,parameter_id
-    ) v,meteo.ext_sensors e
-    where v.sensor_id=e.sensor_id and v.parameter_id=e.param_id
-    and nm_id is not null
-    '''
-  )
-  queue=c.fetchall()
-  if debug>1:
-    pprint(queue)
-  for (sensor,value) in queue:
-    param[sensor] = value  
-  if debug>1:
-    pprint (param)
-  url = "http://narodmon.ru/post.php"
-  try:
-    response_buffer = StringIO()
-    curl = pycurl.Curl()
-    curl.setopt(curl.URL, url)
-    curl.setopt(curl.WRITEFUNCTION, response_buffer.write)   
-    curl.setopt(curl.POST, 1)
-    curl.setopt(curl.POSTFIELDS, urlencode(param))
-    curl.perform()
-    curl.close()  
-    response_value = response_buffer.getvalue()
-    print_log('Narodmon response: '+response_value)
-    return True
-  except:
-    exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
-    traceback.print_tb(exc_traceback, limit=1, file=sys.stdout)
-    traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback,
-                              limit=2, file=sys.stdout)  
-    return False  
-def submit_owm():
-  url = "http://openweathermap.org/data/post"
-  params = {'name':owm_station, 'lat':owm_lat, 'long':owm_lon}
-  c = database.cursor()
-  c.execute(
-    '''
-    select owm_id,value from
-    (
-    SELECT sensor_id,parameter_id,max(timestamp) timestamp,round(avg(value),1) value FROM meteo.sensor_values
-    where 
-    timestamp>=date_add(now(), INTERVAL -300 SECOND)
-    group by sensor_id,parameter_id
-    ) v,meteo.ext_sensors e
-    where v.sensor_id=e.sensor_id and v.parameter_id=e.param_id
-    and owm_id is not null
-    '''
-  )
-  queue=c.fetchall()
-  if debug>1:
-    pprint(queue)
-  for (sensor,value) in queue:
-    params[sensor]=value
-  if debug>1:  
-    pprint (params)
-  try:
-    response_buffer = StringIO()
-    curl = pycurl.Curl()
-    curl.setopt(curl.URL, url)
-    curl.setopt(curl.USERPWD, '%s:%s' % (owmuser, owmpasswd))
-    curl.setopt(curl.WRITEFUNCTION, response_buffer.write)
-    curl.setopt(curl.POST, 1)
-    curl.setopt(curl.POSTFIELDS, urlencode(params))
-    curl.perform()
-    curl.close()
-    response_value = response_buffer.getvalue()
-    print_log('Openweathermap response: '+response_value)
-    return True
-  except:
-    exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
-    traceback.print_tb(exc_traceback, limit=1, file=sys.stdout)
-    traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback,
-                                  limit=2, file=sys.stdout)
-    return False  
-def submit_data(sensor_type,sensor_id,sensor_param,param_value):
-  global submit_time
-  global submit_time_owm
-  global external_submit_interval
-  global owm_submit_interval
-  c = database.cursor()
-  c.execute('CALL meteo.submit_value(%s,%s,%s,%s,NULL)', (sensor_type,sensor_id,sensor_param,param_value))
-  database.commit()
-  if narmon=='on' and time()>submit_time+external_submit_interval:
-    submit_narodmon()
-    submit_time=time()
-  if owmuser and time()>submit_time_owm+owm_submit_interval:
-    submit_owm()
-    submit_time_owm=time()        
-def process_str(str):
-  print_log("Received: "+str)
-  try:
-    msg_type, msg_body = str.split(':')
-  except:
-    return
-  try:  
-    if msg_type == 'STATUS':
-      print_log('Status: '+msg_body)
-    elif msg_type == 'ERROR':
-      print_log('Error: '+ msg_body)
-    elif msg_type == 'SENSOR':
-      sens = msg_body.split(',')
-      sensor = {}
-      sensor_type = None
-      sensor_id = None
-      for rec in sens:
-        key,value = rec.split('=')
-       value=value.strip()
-       if len(value)>0:
-          if key == 'TYPE':
-            sensor_type = value
-          elif key == 'ID':
-            sensor_id = value  
-          else:  
-            sensor[key] = value
-      if sensor_type:    
-        if not sensor_id:
-          sensor_id=devid;    
-      for key in sensor:
-       if sensor[key]:
-          print_log('Type = '+sensor_type+', ID = '+sensor_id+', Param = '+key+', Value = '+sensor[key])
-          submit_data(sensor_type,sensor_id,key,sensor[key])
-        else:
-          print_log('Error: got empty parameter value for '+sensor_type+'.'+sensor_id+'.'+key)
-    elif msg_type == "ALARM":
-      alarm = msg_body.split(',')
-      device_type = None
-      device_id = None
-      for rec in alarm:
-        key,value = rec.split('=')
-        value=value.strip()
-        if len(value)>0:
-          if key == 'TYPE':
-            device_type = value
-          if key == 'ID':
-            device_id = value
-      if device_type:
-        if not device_id:
-          device_id=devid;
-        print_log("Alarm: Type = "+device_type+", ID = "+device_id)
-        if alarm_script:
-          try:
-            proc = subprocess.Popen([alarm_script,device_type,device_id,msg_body])
-          except:
-            print_log("Failed to execute alarm script")          
-  except:
-    print_log('Exception processing...')
-    exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
-    traceback.print_tb(exc_traceback, limit=1, file=sys.stdout)
-    traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback,
-                              limit=5, file=sys.stdout)  
-    try:
-      database.close()
-    except:
-      None
-    reconnect()
-def weather_mon():
-  global path
-  if path is None:
-    path = find_port()
-  ser = open_port(path)
-  read_loop(ser,process_str)
-def reconnect():
-  connected = False
-  while not connected:            
-    try:
-      global database
-      database = MySQLdb.connect(host=dbhost,user=dbuser,passwd=dbpasswd,use_unicode=True,connect_timeout=10)
-      database.set_character_set('utf8')
-      c = database.cursor()
-      c.execute('SET NAMES utf8;')
-      print_log("Database connected...")
-      connected = True 
-    except:
-      print_log("Error connecting database")
-      sleep(30)
-def main():
-  weather_mon()
-def init():
-  global dbhost,dbuser,dbpasswd,path,serialnum,logging,debug;
-  global timeout,baud,narmon,devid;
-  global owmuser,owmpasswd,owm_temp,owm_pres,owm_humi,owm_lat,owm_lon,owm_station;
-  global alarm_script;
-  try:
-    cfg = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
-    cfg.readfp(open('/etc/weathermon.conf'))
-    dbhost = cfg.get("mysql","host")
-    dbuser = cfg.get("mysql","user")
-    dbpasswd = cfg.get("mysql","passwd")
-    try:
-      debug = cfg.get("logging","debug")
-    except:
-      debug = 0  
-    try:
-      path = cfg.get("serial","port");
-    except:
-      path = None
-    try:    
-      serialnum = cfg.get("serial","id")
-    except:
-      serialnum = None  
-    try:
-      logging = cfg.get("logging","enabled")
-    except:
-      logging = None
-    try:
-      timeout = int(cfg.get("serial","timeout"))
-    except:
-      timeout = 120
-    try:
-      baud = int(cfg.get("serial","baud"))
-    except:
-      baud = 57600
-    try:
-      narmon = cfg.get("narodmon","enable")
-    except:
-      narmon = 'off'  
-    try:
-      devid = cfg.get("narodmon","devid")
-    except:
-      devid = "{:0>12X}".format(getnode())   
-    try:  
-      owmuser = cfg.get("openweathermap","user")
-      owmpasswd = cfg.get("openweathermap",'passwd')
-    except:
-      owmuser = None  
-    if owmuser:
-      owm_temp = cfg.get("openweathermap",'temp')
-      owm_pres = cfg.get("openweathermap",'pres')
-      owm_humi = cfg.get("openweathermap",'humi')
-      owm_lat = cfg.get("openweathermap",'lat')
-      owm_lon = cfg.get("openweathermap",'lon')
-      owm_station = cfg.get("openweathermap",'station')
-    try:
-      alarm_script = cfg.get("alarm","exec")
-      import subprocess
-    except:
-      alarm_script = None
-    reconnect()
-  except:
-    print_log("Cannot intialize system")
-    exit() 
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-  import sys
-  reload(sys)
-  sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8')
-  init()
-  main()
diff --git a/weathermon-iio b/weathermon-iio
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..93b9cb5
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+require "uci"
+cur = uci.cursor()
+lfs = require "lfs"
+json = require "json"
+socket = require "socket"
+function split(str, pat)
+   local t = {}  -- NOTE: use {n = 0} in Lua-5.0
+   local fpat = "(.-)" .. pat
+   local last_end = 1
+   local s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, 1)
+   while s do
+      if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then
+         table.insert(t,cap)
+      end
+      last_end = e+1
+      s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, last_end)
+   end
+   if last_end <= #str then
+      cap = str:sub(last_end)
+      table.insert(t, cap)
+   end
+   return t
+function trim(s)
+   return (s:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"))
+function get_device_list(config_name)
+  local devices
+  devices = {}
+  cur.foreach(config_name, "device", function(s)
+    devices[#devices+1] = s[".name"]
+  end)
+  return devices
+function get_device(config_name,device_name)
+  local device
+  device = {}
+  cur.foreach(config_name, "device", function(s)
+    if s[".name"] == device_name then
+      device = s
+    end
+  end)  
+  return device
+function get_file_content(name)
+  local f = io.open(name,"r")
+  if f ~= nil then 
+    local content = trim(f:read("*all"))
+    io.close(f) 
+    return content
+  else 
+    return false 
+  end
+function find_device(name,subsystem)
+  local search_base
+  if subsystem == "iio" then
+    search_base = "/sys/bus/iio/devices"
+    for file in lfs.dir(search_base) do
+      if get_file_content(search_base.."/"..file.."/name") == name then
+        return search_base.."/"..file
+      end
+    end
+  elseif subsystem == "hwmon" then
+    search_base = "/sys/class/hwmon"
+    for file in lfs.dir(search_base) do
+      if get_file_content(search_base.."/"..file.."/device/name") == name then
+        return search_base.."/"..file.."/device"
+      end
+    end  
+  end
+  return nil
+function init_device(device,parameters,i2c_bus)
+  if not i2c_bus then
+    i2c_bus = 0
+  end
+  if device["module"] then
+    os.execute("modprobe "..device["module"])
+  end    
+  if device["type"] then
+    devtype = split(device["type"],":")
+    bus = devtype[1]
+    subsystem = devtype[2]
+    if (bus == "i2c") and device["address"] and device["name"] then
+      pcall(function ()
+        local f = io.open("/sys/class/i2c-dev/i2c-"..i2c_bus.."/device/new_device","w")
+        io.output(f)
+        io.write(device["name"].." "..device["address"])
+        io.close(f)
+      end)  
+    end
+    device_path=find_device(device["name"],subsystem)
+    if device_path and device["set_param"] then
+      for key,record in pairs(device["set_param"]) do
+        setparam = split(record,":")
+        setpath = device_path.."/"..setparam[1]
+        pcall(function ()
+          local f = io.open(setpath,"w")
+          io.output(f)
+          io.write(setparam[2])
+          io.close(f)
+        end)  
+      end
+    end
+    if device_path and device["parameter"] then
+      for key,record in pairs(device["parameter"]) do
+        getparam = split(record,":")
+        getparameter = {}
+        getparameter["path"] = device_path.."/"..getparam[1]
+        getparameter["name"] = getparam[2]
+        getscale = getparam[3]
+        getcorrection = getparam[4]
+        if not getscale then
+          getscale = 1
+        end  
+        if not getcorrection then
+          getcorrection = 0
+        end
+        getparameter["scale"] = tonumber(getscale)
+        getparameter["sensor"] = device["name"]:upper()
+        getparameter["correction"] = tonumber(getcorrection)
+        parameters[#parameters+1] = getparameter
+      end
+    end
+  end
+function init(config_name)
+  local parameters= {}
+  i2c_bus = uci.get(config_name,"hardware","i2c_bus")
+  local devices = get_device_list(config_name)
+  for key,devname in pairs(devices) do
+    device = get_device(config_name,devname)
+    if device then
+      init_device(device,parameters,i2c_bus)
+    end  
+  end
+  return parameters
+function get_parameter(parameter)
+  return tonumber(get_file_content(parameter["path"])) * parameter["scale"] + parameter["correction"]
+function get_parameters(parameters)
+  local results = {}
+  for key,record in pairs(parameters) do
+    if not results[record["sensor"]] then 
+      results[record["sensor"]] = {}
+    end
+    results[record["sensor"]][record["name"]] = get_parameter(record)
+  end
+  return results
+config_name = arg[1]
+if not config_name then
+  config_name = "weathermon"
+parameters = init(config_name)
+local delay = uci.get(config_name,"process","delay")
+local working_dir = uci.get(config_name,"process","working_dir")
+local dump_file = uci.get(config_name,"process","dump_file")
+if working_dir then
+  lfs.mkdir(working_dir)
+if not delay then
+  delay = 60
+while true do
+  values = get_parameters(parameters)
+  for key,record in pairs(values) do
+    dump = record
+    dump["device"] = key 
+    print(json.encode(dump))
+  end
+  if dump_file then
+    local f = io.open(dump_file,"w")
+    io.output(f)
+    io.write(json.encode(values))
+    io.close(f)
+  end
+  socket.sleep(delay)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/weathermon-light b/weathermon-light
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 1827377..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-import serial
-from os import system
-from pprint import pprint
-from termios import tcflush, TCIOFLUSH
-from time import sleep
-from uuid import getnode
-import sys,traceback
-import pycurl
-from urllib import urlencode
-from StringIO import StringIO
-path = None
-baud = None
-timeout = None
-import ConfigParser
-import thread
-from threading import Timer
-def open_port(path):
-  global proc
-  print "Opening path "+path
-  ser = serial.Serial(path,1200);
-  ser.open();
-  ser.close();
-  ser = serial.Serial(path,baud,timeout=timeout)
-  if ser.portstr:
-    tcflush(ser,TCIOFLUSH);
-  return ser
-def read_port(ser):
-  try: 
-    timeout_timer = Timer(timeout, thread.interrupt_main)
-    timeout_timer.start()
-    line = ser.readline()
-    return line.strip()
-  except KeyboardInterrupt:
-    return "<<TIMEOUT>>"
-  finally:
-    timeout_timer.cancel()
-def read_loop(ser,callback):
-  global proc
-  while True:
-    try:
-      line=read_port(ser)
-      if line=="<<TIMEOUT>>":
-        print "Reopening port..."
-        ser.close()
-        ser=open_port(path)
-      if line:
-        callback(line)
-    except KeyboardInterrupt:
-      break
-    finally:
-      None
-def print_log(str):
-  global logging
-  print str
-  if logging == "on":
-    system("logger -t weathermon \""+str+"\"")
-def submit_data(stype,sid,param,value):
-  global url,username,password
-  params = {'stype':stype, 'sid':sid, 'param':param, 'value':value}
-  pprint (params)
-  try:
-    response_buffer = StringIO()
-    curl = pycurl.Curl()
-    curl.setopt(curl.URL, url)
-    if username:
-      curl.setopt(curl.USERPWD, '%s:%s' % (username, password))
-    curl.setopt(curl.WRITEFUNCTION, response_buffer.write)
-    curl.setopt(curl.POST, 1)
-    curl.setopt(curl.POSTFIELDS, urlencode(params))
-    curl.perform()
-    curl.close()
-    response_value = response_buffer.getvalue()
-    print_log('Server response: '+response_value)
-    return True
-  except:
-    exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
-    traceback.print_tb(exc_traceback, limit=1, file=sys.stdout)
-    traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback,
-                                  limit=2, file=sys.stdout)
-    return False  
-def process_str(str):
-  print_log("Received: "+str)
-  try:
-    msg_type, msg_body = str.split(':')
-  except:
-    return
-  try:  
-    if msg_type == 'STATUS':
-      print_log('Status: '+msg_body)
-    elif msg_type == 'ERROR':
-      print_log('Error: '+ msg_body)
-    elif msg_type == 'SENSOR':
-      sens = msg_body.split(',')
-      sensor = {}
-      sensor_type = None
-      sensor_id = None
-      for rec in sens:
-        key,value = rec.split('=')
-       value=value.strip()
-       if len(value)>0:
-          if key == 'TYPE':
-            sensor_type = value
-          elif key == 'ID':
-            sensor_id = value  
-          else:  
-            sensor[key] = value
-      if sensor_type:    
-        if not sensor_id:
-          sensor_id=devid;    
-      for key in sensor:
-       if sensor[key]:
-          print_log('Type = '+sensor_type+', ID = '+sensor_id+', Param = '+key+', Value = '+sensor[key])
-          submit_data(sensor_type,sensor_id,key,sensor[key])
-        else:
-          print_log('Error: got empty parameter value for '+sensor_type+'.'+sensor_id+'.'+key)
-  except:
-    print_log('Exception processing...')
-    exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
-    traceback.print_tb(exc_traceback, limit=1, file=sys.stdout)
-    traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback,
-                              limit=5, file=sys.stdout)  
-def weather_mon():
-  global path
-  ser = open_port(path)
-  read_loop(ser,process_str)
-def main():
-  weather_mon()
-  cfg = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
-  cfg.readfp(open('/etc/weathermon.conf'))
-  url = cfg.get("web","url")
-  path = cfg.get("serial","port");
-  try:
-    username = cfg.get("web","user");
-    password = cfg.get("web","password");
-  except:
-    username = None
-    password = None
-  try:
-    logging = cfg.get("logging","enabled")
-  except:
-    logging = None
-  try:
-    timeout = int(cfg.get("serial","timeout"))
-  except:
-    timeout = 120
-  try:
-    baud = int(cfg.get("serial","baud"))
-  except:
-    baud = 57600
-  try:
-    devid = cfg.get("web","devid")
-  except:
-    devid = "{:0>12X}".format(getnode())   
-  print_log("Cannot intialize system")
-  exit() 
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-  import sys
-  reload(sys)
-  sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8')
-  main()
index 72e48952e83bb12a392df46dd5ff75ff3ff23d83..3208e304e0d2643f07021edca2b9b9cd7f8c1e8f 100755 (executable)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+json = require("json")
+socket = require("socket")
 function startswith(String,Start)
    if String then
@@ -211,6 +211,10 @@ function processJson(str)
+  if not sensor_id then
+    sensor_id = web_devid
+  end
   if not (sensor_type==nil or sensor_id==nil or sensor_type=='' or sensor_id=='') then
     if next(sensor)==nil then
@@ -237,7 +241,7 @@ function processJson(str)
-    printLog("Cannot parse sensor input: "..msg_body)
+    printLog("Cannot parse sensor input: "..str)
@@ -371,7 +375,7 @@ else
 while 1 do
-  line=serialin:read()
+  line=serialin:read("*l")
   if line == nil then
@@ -379,6 +383,6 @@ while 1 do
   if startswith(line,'{') then
-    processLine(line)
+   processLine(line)
index 6c2f6e45e63125873cf8652f9be7de14fbe45787..7a4162fc338d1ece3b7c43dec3f03157a32ce345 100644 (file)
@@ -1,16 +1,64 @@
 config internal 'web'
-       option url http://server/path/send.php
+       option url http://url-to-submit-meteo-data
        option user meteo
-       option password somestrictpassword
-       option iface eth0
+       option password some-password
+       option iface wlan0
-config internal 'serial'
-       option port /dev/ttyUSB0
-       option timeout 100
-       option baud 9600
+config internal 'input'
+       option exec "/usr/bin/stdbuf -o0 /usr/bin/lua /usr/bin/weathermon-iio"
+#      option port /dev/ttyATH0
+#      option timeout 100
+#      option baud 57600
 config internal 'logging'
-       option enabled on
+       option enabled off # on/stdout/syslog
+#      option touch_file /var/run/weathermon/weathermon.last
 config internal 'mqtt'
-        option host server
+        option host mqtt.host.name
+       option user meteo-user
+       option password some-password
+config internal 'alarm'
+#      option exec /usr/local/bin/alarm_received
+config internal 'hardware'
+       option i2c_bus  0
+config internal 'process'
+       option delay    48
+       option working_dir "/var/weather/"
+       option dump_file "/var/weather/weather.state"
+config device "bme280"
+       option module   "bmp280_i2c"
+       option address  "0x76"
+       option type     "i2c:iio"
+       option name "bme280"
+       list set_param  "in_humidityrelative_oversampling_ratio:4"
+       list set_param  "in_temp_oversampling_ratio:8"
+       list set_param  "in_pressure_oversampling_ratio:8"
+       list parameter  "in_temp_input:T:0.001:-4"      # source, name, scale, correction
+       list parameter  "in_pressure_input:P:10"
+       list parameter  "in_humidityrelative_input:H:0.001"
+config device "hmc5843"
+       option module   "hmc5843_i2c"
+       option address  "0x1e"
+       option type     "i2c:iio"
+       option name     "hmc5843"
+       list set_param  "in_magn_meas_conf:normal"
+       list set_param  "in_magn_sampling_frequency:2" 
+       list set_param  "in_magn_scale:0.000007692"
+       list parameter  "in_magn_x_raw:MX"
+       list parameter  "in_magn_y_raw:MY"
+       list parameter  "in_magn_z_raw:MZ"
+config device "ads1115"
+       option module   "ads1015"
+       option address  "0x48"
+       option type     "i2c:hwmon"
+       option name "ads1115"
+       list parameter  "in4_input:CO"
+       list parameter  "in5_input:CH4"
+       list parameter  "in6_input:AIR"