'select unix_timestamp(timestamp) as x,unitconv(value,'.$from_unit.','.$to_unit.') as y from sensor_values where timestamp>adddate(now(), -1) and sensor_id='.$sensor.' and parameter_id='.$param.' order by timestamp'
- $height = 130;
+ $bottomheight = 130;
+ $topheight = 40;
+ $sizex = 1000;
+ $sizey = 800;
+ $scale = True;
+ } elseif ($type == 'last24small') {
+ $q = $db -> prepare(
+ 'select unix_timestamp(timestamp) as x,unitconv(value,'.$from_unit.','.$to_unit.') as y from sensor_values where timestamp>adddate(now(), -1) and sensor_id='.$sensor.' and parameter_id='.$param.' order by timestamp'
+ );
+ $bottomheight = 20;
+ $topheight = 20;
+ $sizex = 400;
+ $sizey = 300;
+ $scale = False;
} elseif ($type == 'range') {
'select unix_timestamp(timestamp) as x,unitconv(value,'.$from_unit.','.$to_unit.') as y from sensor_values where timestamp>=str_to_date("'.$from.'","%Y%m%d%H%i%s") and timestamp<=str_to_date("'.$to.'","%Y%m%d%H%i%s") and sensor_id='.$sensor.' and parameter_id='.$param.' order by timestamp'
- $height = 60;
+ $bottomheight = 60;
+ $topheight = 40;
+ $sizex = 1000;
+ $sizey = 800;
+ $scale = True;
- $g = new Graph(640,480);
+ $g = new Graph($sizex,$sizey);
if ($cachefilename) {
if ($g->cache->IsValid($cachefilename)) {
// We need a datlin scale since we provide both
// x and y coordinates for the data points, but x is unix timestamp.
- $g->xaxis->SetLabelAngle(90);
+ if ($scale) {
+ $g->xaxis->SetLabelAngle(90);
+ } else {
+ $g->xaxis->HideLabels(True);
+ }
- $g->xaxis->scale->SetTimeAlign( HOURADJ_1 );
+# $g->xaxis->scale->SetTimeAlign( HOURADJ_1 );
// We use a scatterplot to illustrate the original
// contro points.
- $g->SetMargin(50,30,40,$height);
- $g->title->Set($sensor_name.'/'.$param_name.', '.$param_unit);
- $g->title->SetFont(FF_DV_SANSSERIF,FS_BOLD,12);
- $g->SetMarginColor('silver');
+ $g->SetMargin(50,30,$topheight,$bottomheight);
+ if ($scale) {
+ $g->title->Set($sensor_name.'/'.$param_name.', '.$param_unit);
+ $g->title->SetFont(FF_DV_SANSSERIF,FS_BOLD,12);
+ }
+ $g->SetMarginColor('lightgray');