--- /dev/null
+# coding=utf-8
+Torrent-TV API communication class
+Forms requests to API, checks result for errors and returns in desired form (lists or raw data)
+__author__ = 'miltador'
+import urllib2
+import socket
+import xml.dom.minidom as dom
+class TorrentTvApiException(Exception):
+ """
+ Exception from Torrent-TV API
+ """
+ pass
+class TorrentTvApi(object):
+ 1: 'Детские',
+ 2: 'Музыка',
+ 3: 'Фильмы',
+ 4: 'Спорт',
+ 5: 'Общие',
+ 6: 'Познавательные',
+ 7: 'Новостные',
+ 8: 'Развлекательные',
+ 9: 'Для взрослых',
+ 10: 'Мужские',
+ 11: 'Региональные',
+ 12: 'Религиозные'
+ }
+ @staticmethod
+ def auth(email, password, raw=False):
+ """
+ User authentication
+ Returns user session that can be used for API requests
+ :param email: user email string
+ :param password: user password string
+ :param raw: if True returns unprocessed data
+ :return: unique session string
+ """
+ xmlresult = TorrentTvApi._result(
+ 'v2_auth.php?username=' + email + '&password=' + password + '&application=tsproxy')
+ if raw:
+ return xmlresult
+ res = TorrentTvApi._check(xmlresult)
+ session = res.getElementsByTagName('session')[0].firstChild.data
+ return session
+ @staticmethod
+ def translations(session, translation_type, raw=False):
+ """
+ Gets list of translations
+ Translations are basically TV channels
+ :param session: valid user session required
+ :param translation_type: playlist type, valid values: all|channel|moderation|translation|favourite
+ :param raw: if True returns unprocessed data
+ :return: translations list
+ """
+ xmlresult = TorrentTvApi._result(
+ 'v2_alltranslation.php?session=' + session + '&type=' + translation_type)
+ if raw:
+ return xmlresult
+ res = TorrentTvApi._check(xmlresult)
+ translationslist = res.getElementsByTagName('channel')
+ return translationslist
+ @staticmethod
+ def records(session, channel_id, date, raw=False):
+ """
+ Gets list of available record for given channel and date
+ :param session: valid user session required
+ :param channel_id: id of channel in channel list
+ :param date: format %d-%m-%Y
+ :param raw: if True returns unprocessed data
+ :return: records list
+ """
+ xmlresult = TorrentTvApi._result(
+ 'v2_arc_getrecords.php?session=' + session + '&channel_id=' + channel_id + '&date=' + date)
+ if raw:
+ return xmlresult
+ res = TorrentTvApi._check(xmlresult)
+ recordslist = res.getElementsByTagName('channel')
+ return recordslist
+ @staticmethod
+ def archive_channels(session, raw=False):
+ """
+ Gets the channels list for archive
+ :param session: valid user session required
+ :param raw: if True returns unprocessed data
+ :return: archive channels list
+ """
+ xmlresult = TorrentTvApi._result(
+ 'v2_arc_getchannels.php?session=' + session)
+ if raw:
+ return xmlresult
+ res = TorrentTvApi._check(xmlresult)
+ archive_channelslist = res.getElementsByTagName('channel')
+ return archive_channelslist
+ @staticmethod
+ def stream_source(session, channel_id):
+ """
+ Gets the source for Ace Stream by channel id
+ :param session: valid user session required
+ :param channel_id: id of channel in translations list (see translations() method)
+ :return: type of stream and source
+ """
+ xmlresult = TorrentTvApi._result(
+ 'v2_get_stream.php?session=' + session + '&channel_id=' + channel_id)
+ res = TorrentTvApi._check(xmlresult)
+ stream_type = res.getElementsByTagName('type')[0].firstChild.data
+ source = res.getElementsByTagName('source')[0].firstChild.data
+ return stream_type.encode('utf-8'), source.encode('utf-8')
+ @staticmethod
+ def archive_stream_source(session, record_id):
+ """
+ Gets stream source for archive record
+ :param session: valid user session required
+ :param record_id: id of record in records list (see records() method)
+ :return: type of stream and source
+ """
+ xmlresult = TorrentTvApi._result(
+ 'v2_arc_getstream.php?session=' + session + '&record_id=' + record_id)
+ res = TorrentTvApi._check(xmlresult)
+ stream_type = res.getElementsByTagName('type')[0].firstChild.data
+ source = res.getElementsByTagName('source')[0].firstChild.data
+ return stream_type.encode('utf-8'), source.encode('utf-8')
+ @staticmethod
+ def _check(xmlresult):
+ """
+ Validates received API answer
+ Raises an exception if error detected
+ :param xmlresult: API answer to check
+ :return: minidom-parsed xmlresult
+ :raise: TorrentTvApiException
+ """
+ res = dom.parseString(xmlresult).documentElement
+ success = res.getElementsByTagName('success')[0].firstChild.data
+ if success == '0' or not success:
+ error = res.getElementsByTagName('error')[0].firstChild.data
+ raise TorrentTvApiException('API returned error: ' + error)
+ return res
+ @staticmethod
+ def _result(request):
+ """
+ Sends request to API and returns the result in form of string
+ :param request: API command string
+ :return: result of request to API
+ :raise: TorrentTvApiException
+ """
+ try:
+ result = urllib2.urlopen('http://api.torrent-tv.ru/' + request + '&typeresult=xml', timeout=10).read()
+ return result
+ except (urllib2.URLError, socket.timeout) as e:
+ raise TorrentTvApiException('Error happened while trying to access API: ' + repr(e))
\ No newline at end of file
class VPConfig():
- debug = logging.DEBUG
+ debug = logging.INFO
# HTTP Server host
httphost = ''
# HTTP Server port
# Maximum concurrent connections (video clients)
maxconns = 20
# Logging to a file
- loggingtoafile = False
+ loggingtoafile = True
# Path for logs, default is current directory. For example '/tmp/'
logpath = '/var/log/vpproxy/'
# VLC configuration
# ----------------------------------------------------
- vlcuse = True
- # Spawn VLC automaticaly
- vlcspawn = True
# VLC cmd line (use `--file-logging --logfile=filepath` to write log)
vlccmd = "vlc -I telnet --clock-jitter 0 --network-caching 500 --sout-mux-caching 2000 --telnet-password admin --telnet-port 4212"
# VLC spawn timeout
vlcmux = 'ts'
# Force ffmpeg INPUT demuxer in VLC. Sometimes can help.
vlcforceffmpeg = False
- # Stream start delay for dumb players (in seconds)
- # !!!
- # PLEASE set this to 0 if you use VLC
- # !!!
- videodelay = 0
- # Stream send delay after PAUSE/RESUME commands (works only if option
- # above is enabled)
- # !!!
- # PLEASE set this to 0 if you use VLC
- # !!!
- videopausedelay = 0
- # Seek back feature.
- # Seeks stream back for specified amount of seconds.
- # Set it to 30 or so.
- videoseekback = 5
# Delay before closing connection when client disconnects
# In seconds.
videodestroydelay = 5
import gevent
import gevent.monkey
# Monkeypatching and all the stuff
+# Startup delay for daemon restart
import glob
import os
import signal
self.reqtype = self.splittedpath[1].lower()
# If first parameter is 'pid' or 'torrent' or it should be handled
# by plugin
- if not (self.reqtype in ('get','mp4') or self.reqtype in VPStuff.pluginshandlers):
+ if not (self.reqtype in ('get','mp4','webm') or self.reqtype in VPStuff.pluginshandlers):
self.dieWithError(400) # 400 Bad Request
except IndexError:
self.vlcprefix = ''
- logger.debug("Ready to start broadcast....")
+ logger.info("Starting broadcasting "+self.path)
self.vlcid, self.vlcprefix + self.path_unquoted, VPConfig.vlcmux, VPConfig.vlcpreaccess, self.reqtype)
# Sleep a bit, because sometimes VLC doesn't open port in
logger.debug("END REQUEST")
+ logger.info("Closed connection from " + self.clientip + " path " + self.path)
VPStuff.clientcounter.delete(self.reqtype+'\\'+self.path_unquoted, self.clientip)
if not VPStuff.clientcounter.get(self.reqtype+'\\'+self.path_unquoted):
logger.debug("That was the last client, destroying VPClient")
+ logger.info("Stopping broadcasting " + self.path)