#include "rtl_433.h"
+#include "util.h"
-static int mebus433_callback(uint8_t bb[BITBUF_ROWS][BITBUF_COLS], int16_t bits_per_row[BITBUF_ROWS]) {
- int temperature_before_dec;
- int temperature_after_dec;
+static int mebus433_callback(bitbuffer_t *bitbuffer) {
+ bitrow_t *bb = bitbuffer->bb;
+ char time_str[LOCAL_TIME_BUFLEN];
int16_t temp;
int8_t hum;
+ uint8_t address;
+ uint8_t channel;
+ uint8_t battery;
+ uint8_t unknown1;
+ uint8_t unknown2;
+ data_t *data;
if (bb[0][0] == 0 && bb[1][4] !=0 && (bb[1][0] & 0b01100000) && bb[1][3]==bb[5][3] && bb[1][4] == bb[12][4]){
- // Upper 4 bits are stored in nibble 1, lower 8 bits are stored in nibble 2
- // upper 4 bits of nibble 1 are reserved for other usages.
- temp = (int16_t)((uint16_t)(bb[1][1] << 12 ) | bb[1][2]<< 4);
+ local_time_str(0, time_str);
+ address = bb[1][0] & 0b00011111;
+ channel = ((bb[1][1] & 0b00110000) >> 4) + 1;
+ // Always 0?
+ unknown1 = (bb[1][1] & 0b01000000) >> 6;
+ battery = bb[1][1] & 0b10000000;
+ // Upper 4 bits are stored in nibble 1, lower 8 bits are stored in nibble 2
+ // upper 4 bits of nibble 1 are reserved for other usages.
+ temp = (int16_t)((uint16_t)(bb[1][1] << 12) | bb[1][2] << 4);
temp = temp >> 4;
- // lower 4 bits of nibble 3 and upper 4 bits of nibble 4 contains
- // humidity as decimal value
- hum = (bb[1][3] << 4 | bb[1][4] >> 4);
+ // lower 4 bits of nibble 3 and upper 4 bits of nibble 4 contains
+ // humidity as decimal value
+ hum = (bb[1][3] << 4 | bb[1][4] >> 4);
- temperature_before_dec = abs(temp / 10);
- temperature_after_dec = abs(temp % 10);
+ // Always 0b1111?
+ unknown2 = (bb[1][3] & 0b11110000) >> 4;
- fprintf(stdout, "SENSOR:TYPE=MEBUS,");
- fprintf(stdout, "ID=%i,", bb[1][0] & 0b00011111);
- fprintf(stdout, "CHANNEL=%i,",((bb[1][1] & 0b00110000) >> 4)+1);
- fprintf(stdout, "BATTERY=%s,", bb[1][1] & 0b10000000?"OK":"LOW");
- fprintf(stdout, "TEMPERATURE=%s%d.%d,",temp<0?"-":"",temperature_before_dec, temperature_after_dec);
- fprintf(stdout, "HUMIDITY=%i\n", hum);
- fprintf(stderr, "%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n",bb[1][0],bb[1][1],bb[1][2],bb[1][3],bb[1][4]);
+ data = data_make("time", "", DATA_STRING, time_str,
+ "model", "", DATA_STRING, "Mebus/433",
+ "id", "Address", DATA_INT, address,
+ "battery", "Battery", DATA_STRING, battery ? "OK" : "LOW",
+ "channel", "Channel", DATA_INT, channel,
+ "unknown1", "Unknown 1", DATA_INT, unknown1,
+ "unknown2", "Unknown 2", DATA_INT, unknown2,
+ "temperature_C", "Temperature", DATA_FORMAT, "%.02f C", DATA_DOUBLE, temp / 10.0,
+ "humidity", "Humidity", DATA_FORMAT, "%u %%", DATA_INT, hum,
+ NULL);
+ data_acquired_handler(data);
- if (debug_output)
- debug_callback(bb, bits_per_row);
return 1;
r_device mebus433 = {
- /* .id = */ 16,
- /* .name = */ "Mebus 433",
- /* .modulation = */ OOK_PWM_D,
- /* .short_limit = */ 300,
- /* .long_limit = */ 600,
- /* .reset_limit = */ 1500,
- /* .json_callback = */ &mebus433_callback,
- /* .json_callback = */ //&debug_callback,
+ .name = "Mebus 433",
+ .modulation = OOK_PULSE_PPM_RAW,
+ .short_limit = 1200,
+ .long_limit = 2400,
+ .reset_limit = 6000,
+ .json_callback = &mebus433_callback,
+ .disabled = 0,
+ .demod_arg = 0,