import os
from lxml import html,etree
from optparse import OptionParser
-from datetime import date
+from datetime import date,datetime
+from mx.DateTime.ISO import ParseDateTimeUTC
from parsegpx import write_parsed_to_db
import pygpx
return xml
+def get_osm_list(username,password,year,month):
+ url = ""
+ passman = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
+ passman.add_password(None, url, username, password)
+ authhandler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passman)
+ opener = urllib2.build_opener(authhandler)
+ urllib2.install_opener(opener)
+ req = urllib2.urlopen(url)
+ xml = etree.parse(req)
+ res=[]
+ for gpx_file in xml.getroot():
+ attrib = dict(gpx_file.attrib)
+ timestamp=datetime.fromtimestamp(ParseDateTimeUTC(attrib['timestamp']))
+ id = attrib['id']
+ description=None
+ for descr in gpx_file.iter('description'):
+ description=descr.text
+ sport=None
+ for tag in gpx_file.iter('tag'):
+ sport=tag.text
+ if timestamp.year==year and timestamp.month==month and description=='Run.GPS Track':
+ print id,description,sport,timestamp
+ record={ 'id': id, 'sport': sport }
+ res.append(record)
+ return res
+def get_osm_gpx(username,password,track_id):
+ url = ""+track_id+"/data"
+ passman = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
+ passman.add_password(None, url, username, password)
+ authhandler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passman)
+ opener = urllib2.build_opener(authhandler)
+ urllib2.install_opener(opener)
+ req = urllib2.urlopen(url)
+ xml = etree.parse(req)
+ return xml
+def sync_osm(username,password,year,month,dir=".",verbose=False,force=False):
+ training_list = get_osm_list(username,password,year,month)
+ for training in training_list:
+ filename = "%s/%04d/%02d/%s_%s.gpx" % (dir,year,month,training['sport'],training['id'])
+ dirname = "%s/%04d/%02d" % (dir,year,month)
+ if os.path.exists(filename) and not force:
+ if verbose:
+ print "training %s exists, skipping" % (filename)
+ else:
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(dirname)
+ except:
+ None
+ xml = get_osm_gpx(username,password,training['id'])
+ if verbose:
+ print "writing training %s" % (filename)
+ gpx = pygpx.GPX()
+ gpx.ReadTree(xml)
+ = username
+ gpx.FixNames(training['sport'])
+ gpx.ProcessTrackSegs()
+ for track in gpx.tracks:
+ xml = gpx.XMLTree();
+ f = open(filename,"w")
+ f.write(etree.tostring(xml,encoding='UTF-8',pretty_print=True))
+ f.close
+ write_parsed_to_db(db,gpx,filename)
+ try:
+ render_tiles.queue_render(db,filename)
+ except:
+ None
def sync_folder(username,year,month,dir=".",verbose=False,force=False):
training_list = get_page(username,year,month)
help="year and month in YYYY-MM format", metavar="YYYY-MM")
parser.add_option("-u", "--username", dest="username",
help="Run.GPS username")
+ parser.add_option("-o", "--osm-username", dest="osmname",
+ help="OpenStreetMap username")
+ parser.add_option("-p", "--osm-passwd", dest="osmpasswd",
+ help="OpenStreetMap password")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
username = options.username
- if not username:
- print "Run.GPS username is mandatory!"
+ osmname = options.osmname
+ osmpwd = options.osmpasswd
+ if not (username or (osmname and osmpwd)):
+ print "Run.GPS username or OSM username/password is mandatory!"
+ if username:
+ pusername = username+'@Run.GPS'
+ elif osmname:
+ pusername = osmname+'@OSM'
if options.yearmonth:
year,month = options.yearmonth.split('-')
if year:
if options.verbose:
- print "retrieving trainings for user %s, year %s, month %s to %s" % (username,year,month+1,outdir)
- sync_folder(username,year,month,outdir,options.verbose,options.force)
+ print "retrieving trainings for user %s, year %s, month %s to %s" % (pusername,year,month+1,outdir)
+ if username:
+ sync_folder(username,year,month,outdir,options.verbose,options.force)
+ elif osmname:
+ sync_osm(osmname,osmpwd,year,month+1,outdir,options.verbose,options.force)
if options.verbose:
- print "retrieving two last months for user %s to %s" % (username,outdir)
+ print "retrieving two last months for user %s to %s" % (pusername,outdir)
now =
current_year = now.year
current_month = now.month
- sync_folder(username,current_year,current_month-1,outdir,options.verbose,options.force)
+ if username:
+ sync_folder(username,current_year,current_month-1,outdir,options.verbose,options.force)
+ elif osmname:
+ sync_osm(osmname,osmpwd,current_year,current_month,outdir,options.verbose,options.force)
current_month = current_month -1
if current_month == 0:
current_month = 12
current_year = current_year -1
- sync_folder(username,current_year,current_month-1,outdir,options.verbose,options.force)
+ if username:
+ sync_folder(username,current_year,current_month-1,outdir,options.verbose,options.force)
+ elif osmname:
+ sync_osm(osmname,osmpwd,current_year,current_month,outdir,options.verbose,options.force)
if __name__ == "__main__":