false)))) { die($err); } $db -> exec('SET CHARACTER SET utf8'); $auth_token = $_COOKIE["auth-token"]; $auth = 0; if ($auth_token) { $sql = " SELECT COUNT(*) AS auth FROM tokens WHERE str=:s and expires>now() "; $q = $db -> prepare( $sql ); $q -> bindParam(':s',$auth_token,PDO::PARAM_INT); $q -> execute(); $res = []; $row = $q -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $auth = $row['auth']; } if ($auth || (strpos($client_ip, "192.168.") === 0) || (strpos($client_ip, "10.8.") === 0)) { $filter = ''; } else { $filter = ' and s.is_public=1'; } $hash = md5($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'].":".$filter); $redis = new Redis(); $redis->pconnect('', 6379); $results = $redis->get('meteo-'.$hash); if ($results) { $results = unserialize($results); print(json_encode($results)); return; } function getYears($db) { $sql = " SELECT DISTINCT DATE_FORMAT(day,'%Y') y FROM sensors_ranges ORDER BY y DESC "; $q = $db -> prepare( $sql ); $q -> execute(); $res = []; while ($row = $q -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { array_push($res, $row['y']); } return $res; } function getMonths($db,$year) { $y = intval($year); $sql = " SELECT DISTINCT DATE_FORMAT(day,'%m') m FROM sensors_ranges WHERE day>=STR_TO_DATE('".strval($y)."-01-01','%Y-%m-%d') and day prepare( $sql ); $q -> execute(); $res = []; while ($row = $q -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { array_push($res, $row['m']); } return $res; } function getDays($db,$year,$month) { $y = intval($year); $m = intval($month); $sql = " SELECT DISTINCT DATE_FORMAT(day,'%d') d FROM sensors_ranges WHERE day>=STR_TO_DATE('".strval($y)."-".strval($m)."-01','%Y-%m-%d') and DATE_ADD(STR_TO_DATE('".strval($y)."-".strval($m)."-01','%Y-%m-%d'), INTERVAL 1 MONTH) ORDER BY d DESC "; $q = $db -> prepare( $sql ); $q -> execute(); $res = []; while ($row = $q -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { array_push($res, $row['d']); } return $res; } function getSensors($db,$year,$month,$day) { global $filter; $y = intval($year); $m = intval($month); $d = intval($day); $sql = " SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(s_id,'.',t.st_abbr,'.',p.st_name) id FROM sensors_ranges r, sensors s, sensor_types t, st_parameters p WHERE r.sensor=s.id and r.parameter=p.id and s.st_id=t.id and p.st_id=t.id ".$filter." and r.day=STR_TO_DATE('".strval($y)."-".strval($m)."-".strval($d)."','%Y-%m-%d') UNION SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(s_id,'.',t.st_abbr,'.*') id FROM sensors_ranges r, sensors s, sensor_types t WHERE r.sensor=s.id and s.st_id=t.id and t.st_common_description is not null ".$filter." and r.day=STR_TO_DATE('".strval($y)."-".strval($m)."-".strval($d)."','%Y-%m-%d') "; $q = $db -> prepare( $sql ); $q -> execute(); $res = []; while ($row = $q -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { array_push($res, $row['id']); } return $res; } function getCurrentValues($db,$s_id,$p_id) { global $filter; $sql = " SELECT u.id stored_unit,du.id display_unit FROM sensors s,sensor_types t,st_parameters p,units u,units du WHERE s.st_id=t.id and p.st_id=t.id and p.st_unit=u.id and u.unit_group=du.unit_group and du.is_default=1 and s.id=:id and p.id=:param "; $q = $db -> prepare( $sql ); $q -> bindParam(':id',$s_id,PDO::PARAM_INT); $q -> bindParam(':param',$p_id,PDO::PARAM_INT); $q -> execute(); $units = $q -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $sql = " SELECT CONCAT(subset.t,'5:00') t,UnitConv(avg(subset.y),:stored,:display) y FROM ( SELECT substr(date_format(timestamp,'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i'),1,15) t,value y FROM sensor_values WHERE sensor_id = :id and parameter_id=:param and timestamp>adddate(now(),-1) ) subset GROUP BY subset.t ORDER BY subset.t "; $q = $db -> prepare( $sql ); $q -> bindParam(':id',$s_id,PDO::PARAM_INT); $q -> bindParam(':param',$p_id,PDO::PARAM_INT); $q -> bindParam(':stored',$units['stored_unit'],PDO::PARAM_INT); $q -> bindParam(':display',$units['display_unit'],PDO::PARAM_INT); $q -> execute(); return $q -> fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } function getCurrent($db,$id,$type,$param) { global $filter; if ($param == "*") { $sql = " SELECT s.id s_id,p.id p_id, p.st_name p_name FROM sensors s,sensor_types t, st_parameters p WHERE s.st_id=t.id and p.st_id=t.id and s_id=:id and t.st_abbr=:type ".$filter." "; $q = $db -> prepare( $sql ); $q -> bindParam(':id',$id,PDO::PARAM_STR); $q -> bindParam(':type',$type,PDO::PARAM_STR); $q -> execute(); $sensors = $q -> fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $results = array(); foreach ($sensors as $sensor) { $results[$sensor['p_name']] = getCurrentValues($db,$sensor['s_id'],$sensor['p_id']); } return $results; } else { $sql = " SELECT s.id s_id,p.id p_id FROM sensors s,sensor_types t, st_parameters p WHERE s.st_id=t.id and p.st_id=t.id and s_id=:id and t.st_abbr=:type and p.st_name=:param ".$filter." "; $q = $db -> prepare( $sql ); $q -> bindParam(':id',$id,PDO::PARAM_STR); $q -> bindParam(':type',$type,PDO::PARAM_STR); $q -> bindParam(':param',$param,PDO::PARAM_STR); $q -> execute(); $sensor = $q -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); return getCurrentValues($db,$sensor['s_id'],$sensor['p_id']); } } function getArchiveValues($db,$year,$month,$day,$s_id,$p_id) { global $filter; $sql = " SELECT u.id stored_unit,du.id display_unit FROM sensors s,sensor_types t,st_parameters p,units u,units du WHERE s.st_id=t.id and p.st_id=t.id and p.st_unit=u.id and u.unit_group=du.unit_group and du.is_default=1 and s.id=:id and p.id=:param "; $q = $db -> prepare( $sql ); $q -> bindParam(':id',$s_id,PDO::PARAM_INT); $q -> bindParam(':param',$p_id,PDO::PARAM_INT); $q -> execute(); $units = $q -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $sql = " SELECT CONCAT(subset.t,'5:00') t,UnitConv(avg(subset.y),:stored,:display) y FROM ( SELECT substr(date_format(timestamp,'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i'),1,15) t,value y FROM sensor_values WHERE sensor_id = :id and parameter_id=:param and timestamp>=STR_TO_DATE(:d,'%Y-%m-%d') and timestamp prepare( $sql ); $q -> bindParam(':id',$s_id,PDO::PARAM_INT); $q -> bindParam(':param',$p_id,PDO::PARAM_INT); $q -> bindParam(':d',$date,PDO::PARAM_STR); $q -> bindParam(':stored',$units['stored_unit'],PDO::PARAM_INT); $q -> bindParam(':display',$units['display_unit'],PDO::PARAM_INT); $q -> execute(); return $q -> fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } function getArchive($db,$year,$month,$day,$id,$type,$param) { global $filter; $y = intval($year); $m = intval($month); $d = intval($day); $date = strval($y).'-'.strval($m).'-'.strval($d); if ($param == "*") { $sql = " SELECT s.id s_id,p.id p_id, p.st_name p_name FROM sensors s,sensor_types t, st_parameters p WHERE s.st_id=t.id and p.st_id=t.id and s_id=:id and t.st_abbr=:type ".$filter." "; $q = $db -> prepare( $sql ); $q -> bindParam(':id',$id,PDO::PARAM_STR); $q -> bindParam(':type',$type,PDO::PARAM_STR); $q -> execute(); $sensors = $q -> fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $results = array(); foreach ($sensors as $sensor) { $result[$sensor['p_name']] = getArchiveValues($db,$year,$month,$day,$sensor['s_id'],$sensor['p_id']); } return $result; } else { $sql = " SELECT s.id s_id,p.id p_id FROM sensors s,sensor_types t, st_parameters p WHERE s.st_id=t.id and p.st_id=t.id and s_id=:id and t.st_abbr=:type and p.st_name=:param ".$filter." "; $q = $db -> prepare( $sql ); $q -> bindParam(':id',$id,PDO::PARAM_STR); $q -> bindParam(':type',$type,PDO::PARAM_STR); $q -> bindParam(':param',$param,PDO::PARAM_STR); $q -> execute(); $sensor = $q -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); return getArchiveValues($db,$year,$month,$day,$sensor['s_id'],$sensor['p_id']); } } function getProps($db, $localNet) { global $filter; $sql = " SELECT CONCAT(s_id,'.',t.st_abbr,'.',p.st_name) sensor_id, p.st_description name, du.name_short unit, du.prec prec, pl.place_name, p.st_line_color color FROM sensors s, sensor_types t, st_parameters p,units u,units du,places pl WHERE s.st_id=t.id and p.st_id=t.id and p.st_unit=u.id and u.unit_group=du.unit_group and du.is_default=1 and pl.idplaces=s.place_id ".$filter." "; $q = $db -> prepare( $sql ); $q -> execute(); $reply = [ "names" => [], "colors" => [], "units" => [], "scale" => [], "places" => [], "fonts" => [ "axes" => [ "color" => "black", "size" => 16, "style" => "normal" ], "legend" => [ "color" => "black", "size" => 16, "style" => "normal" ] ] ]; while ($row = $q -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $reply["names"][$row["sensor_id"]] = $row["name"]; $reply["colors"][$row["sensor_id"]] = $row["color"]; $reply["units"][$row["sensor_id"]] = $row["unit"]; $reply["places"][$row["sensor_id"]] = $row["place_name"]; $reply["scale"][$row["sensor_id"]] = [ 0 => 1.0, 1 => $row["prec"] ]; } $sql = " SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(s_id,'.',t.st_abbr,'.*') sensor_id, t.st_common_description name, pl.place_name FROM sensors s, sensor_types t, places pl WHERE pl.idplaces=s.place_id and s.st_id=t.id and t.st_common_description is not null ".$filter." "; $q = $db -> prepare( $sql ); $q -> execute(); while ($row = $q -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $reply["names"][$row["sensor_id"]] = $row["name"]; $reply["places"][$row["sensor_id"]] = $row["place_name"]; } return $reply; } function getState($db, $localNet) { global $filter; $sql = " SELECT DISTINCT s.s_id as sensor_id, st.st_abbr, v.sensor as sensor_int_id, pl.place_name s_description, p.id as param_id, p.st_name as param_name, p.st_description, s.place_id, u.id stored_unit_id, du.id unit_id FROM sensors_ranges v,st_parameters p,sensors s,places pl,sensor_types st,units u,units du WHERE v.timestamp>addtime(now(), -43200) and s.st_id=st.id and v.sensor=s.id and s.st_id=st.id and v.parameter=p.id and s.st_id=p.st_id and p.id>=0 and s.place_id=pl.idplaces and p.st_unit=u.id and u.unit_group=du.unit_group and du.is_default=1 ".$filter." ORDER BY s_description,sensor_id,param_id "; $q = $db -> prepare( $sql ); $q -> execute(); $reply = []; while ($row = $q -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $sensor_id = $row['sensor_id']; $st_id = $row['st_abbr']; $sensor_int_id = $row['sensor_int_id']; $param_id = $row['param_name']; $param_int_id = $row['param_id']; $unit_id = $row['unit_id']; $stored_unit_id = $row['stored_unit_id']; $place_description = $row['s_description']; $sql_last_val = " SELECT UnitConv(value,".$stored_unit_id.",".$unit_id.") as val,timestamp FROM sensor_values WHERE sensor_id = ".$sensor_int_id." and parameter_id=".$param_int_id." ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1 "; $qv = $db -> prepare( $sql_last_val ); $qv -> execute(); $v_row = $qv -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $value = $v_row["val"]; $timestamp = $v_row["timestamp"]; if (! array_key_exists($place_description,$reply)) { $reply[$place_description] = []; } if (! array_key_exists($sensor_id,$reply[$place_description])) { $reply[$place_description][$sensor_id] = []; } if (! array_key_exists($st_id,$reply[$place_description][$sensor_id])) { $reply[$place_description][$sensor_id][$st_id] = []; } $reply[$place_description][$sensor_id][$st_id][$param_id] = $value; $reply[$place_description][$sensor_id]['timestamp'] = $timestamp; } return $reply; } function getPanel($db) { $sql = " SELECT DISTINCT v.sensor as sensor_int_id, p.id as param_id, p.st_name as param_name, p.st_description, u.id stored_unit_id, du.id unit_id FROM sensors_ranges v,st_parameters p,sensors s,places pl,sensor_types st,units u,units du WHERE v.timestamp>addtime(now(), -43200) and s.st_id=st.id and v.sensor=s.id and s.st_id=st.id and v.parameter=p.id and s.st_id=p.st_id and p.id>=0 and s.place_id=pl.idplaces and p.st_unit=u.id and u.unit_group=du.unit_group and du.is_default=1 and (s.s_id,p.st_name) in (select sensor_id,param_name from panel_sensors) ORDER BY param_id "; $q = $db -> prepare( $sql ); $q -> execute(); $reply = []; while ($row = $q -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $sensor_id = $row['sensor_id']; $sensor_int_id = $row['sensor_int_id']; $param_id = $row['param_name']; $param_int_id = $row['param_id']; $unit_id = $row['unit_id']; $stored_unit_id = $row['stored_unit_id']; $sql_last_val = " SELECT UnitConv(value,".$stored_unit_id.",".$unit_id.") as val,timestamp FROM sensor_values WHERE sensor_id = ".$sensor_int_id." and parameter_id=".$param_int_id." and timestamp > NOW() - interval 30 minute ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1 "; $qv = $db -> prepare( $sql_last_val ); $qv -> execute(); $v_row = $qv -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $value = $v_row["val"]; if ($value && $value != "null") { $reply[strtoupper($param_id)] = $value; } } return $reply; } $expire = 60; if ($query == 'props') { $reply = getProps($db, $local_net); $expire = 60; } elseif ($query == 'state') { $reply = getState($db, $local_net); } elseif ($query == 'panel') { $reply = getPanel($db); } elseif (startsWith($query,'get/')) { $sensor = explode('/',substr($query,strlen('get/'))); $reply = getCurrent($db,$sensor[0],$sensor[1],$sensor[2]); } elseif ($query == 'years') { $reply = getYears($db); $expire = 3600; } elseif (startsWith($query,'months/')) { $date = explode('/',substr($query,strlen('months/'))); $reply = getMonths($db,$date[0]); $expire = 3600; } elseif (startsWith($query,'days/')) { $date = explode('/',substr($query,strlen('days/'))); $reply = getDays($db,$date[0],$date[1]); $expire = 3600; } elseif (startsWith($query,'sensors/')) { $date = explode('/',substr($query,strlen('sensors/'))); $reply = getSensors($db,$date[0],$date[1],$date[2]); $expire = 3600; } elseif (startsWith($query,'get-archive/')) { $path = explode('/',substr($query,strlen('get-archive/'))); $reply = getArchive($db,$path[0],$path[1],$path[2],$path[3],$path[4],$path[5]); $expire = 14400; } if ($reply) { $redis->set('meteo-'.$hash, serialize($reply)); $redis->expire('meteo-'.$hash, $expire); print(json_encode($reply)); } ?>