false)))) { die($err); } $db -> exec('SET CHARACTER SET utf8'); if (!$local_net) { $filter = ' and s.is_public=1'; } else { $filter = ''; } $q = $db -> prepare( 'select distinct v.sensor_id,s.s_description,p.id as param_id,p.st_description from sensor_values v,st_parameters p,sensors s where v.timestamp>adddate(now(), -1) and v.sensor_id=s.id and v.parameter_id=p.id and s.st_id=p.st_id and p.id>=0'.$filter.' order by s_description,st_description' ); $q -> execute(); while ($row = $q -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { echo '
'; echo '
'; $ql = $db -> prepare( ' SELECT unix_timestamp(timestamp) timestamp,DATE_FORMAT(timestamp,"%H:%i") printable,value FROM meteo.sensor_values WHERE sensor_id='.$row['sensor_id'].' and parameter_id='.$row['param_id'].' and timestamp>addtime(now(), -3600) ORDER BY timestamp desc ' ); $ql -> execute(); $printable_ts = "?"; $val = "?"; if ($rowl = $ql -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $timestamp = $rowl['timestamp']; $printable_ts = $rowl['printable']; $value = $rowl['value']; $units = get_unit($db,$row['param_id']); $from_unit = $units['from']; $to_unit = $units['to']; $param_unit = $units['name']; $val = convert_unit($db,$value,$from_unit,$to_unit); } if ($printable_ts != '?') { echo '
'; echo '
'.$val.' '.$param_unit.'
'; } ?>
"; } ?>