false)))) { die('Не могу подключиться к БД'); } $db -> exec('SET CHARACTER SET utf8'); $type = $_REQUEST['type']; $sensor=$_REQUEST['sensor']; $param=$_REQUEST['param']; $year=$_REQUEST['year']; $month=$_REQUEST['month']; if ($type and $param) { $sensor = intval($sensor); $param = intval($param); $q = $db -> prepare( 'select s_description from sensors where id='.$sensor ); $q -> execute(); while ($row = $q -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $sensor_name = $row['s_description']; } $q = $db -> prepare( 'select st.st_fill_color_top,st.st_fill_color_bottom,st.st_description,u.id,u.unit_group from st_parameters st,units u where st.id='.$param.' and st.st_unit=u.id ' ); $q -> execute(); while ($row = $q -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $param_name = $row['st_description']; $from_unit = $row['id']; $unit_group = $row['unit_group']; $fill_color_top=$row['st_fill_color_top']; $fill_color_bottom=$row['st_fill_color_bottom']; } if (!empty($_COOKIE['unit_'.$unit_group])) { $to_unit=intval($_COOKIE['unit_'.$unit_group]); } else { $to_unit=$from_unit; } $q = $db -> prepare( 'select u.name_short from units u where u.id='.$to_unit ); $q -> execute(); while ($row = $q -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $param_unit = $row['name_short']; } $xdata = array(); $ydata = array(); if ($type == 'month') { $next_year = $year; $next_month = $month+1; if ($month==13) { $next_year++; $month=1; } $q = $db -> prepare( ' select x, unitconv(min(value),'.$from_unit.','.$to_unit.') min_value, unitconv(max(value),'.$from_unit.','.$to_unit.') max_value from ( select unix_timestamp(cast(timestamp as date)) x, value from sensor_values where timestamp>=str_to_date(\''.$year.$month.'\',\'%Y%m\') and timestamp prepare( ' select x, unitconv(min(value),'.$from_unit.','.$to_unit.') min_value, unitconv(max(value),'.$from_unit.','.$to_unit.') max_value from ( select unix_timestamp( DATE_SUB(cast(timestamp as date), INTERVAL DAYOFWEEK(cast(timestamp as date))-1 DAY) ) x, value from sensor_values where timestamp>=str_to_date(\''.$year.'\',\'%Y\') and timestamp execute(); while ($row = $q -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $xdata[] = $row['x']; $mindata[] = $row['min_value']; $maxdata[] = $row['max_value']; } // Create the graph $g = new Graph(640,480); $g->graph_theme = null; //$g->img->SetAntiAliasing(); // We need a linlin scale since we provide both // x and y coordinates for the data points. $g->SetScale('datlin'); $g->xaxis->SetLabelAngle(90); $g->xaxis->SetPos("min"); // We use a scatterplot to illustrate the original // contro points. $bplot = new LinePlot($maxdata,$xdata); $g->Add($bplot); $bplot->SetColor($fill_color_top); $bplot->SetFillGradient($fill_color_top,$fill_color_bottom,100,TRUE); $bplot->SetFillFromYMin(TRUE); $bplot->SetWeight(4); $aplot = new LinePlot($mindata,$xdata); $g->Add($aplot); $aplot->SetColor($fill_color_bottom); $aplot->SetFillGradient($fill_color_bottom,'white',100,TRUE); $aplot->SetFillFromYMin(TRUE); $aplot->SetWeight(4); $g->SetMargin(60,60,60,130); $g->title->Set($sensor_name.'/'.$param_name.', '.$param_unit); $g->title->SetFont(FF_DV_SANSSERIF,FS_BOLD,12); $g->subtitle->Set('(минимальные и максимальные значения за период)'); $g->subtitle->SetColor('darkred'); $g->SetMarginColor('silver'); // Add the plots to the graph and stroke $g->Stroke(); } else { header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"); die('Сенсор не выбран!'); } ?>