false)))) { die($err); } $db -> exec('SET CHARACTER SET utf8'); if (! $year) { $q = $db -> prepare( 'select date_format(timestamp,\'%Y\') as year from sensor_values group by year order by year'); $q -> execute(); ?>

Архив метеоданных

fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { ?> Данные за год
prepare( 'select date_format(timestamp,\'%m\') as month, date_format(timestamp,\'%d\') as day from sensor_values where timestamp>=str_to_date(\''.$year.'-01-01\',\'%Y-%m-%d\') and timestamp execute(); ?>


fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $months = []; foreach ($data as $row) { $days [$year.$row['month'].$row['day']] = '&month='.$row['month'].'&day='.$row['day']; $months[$row['month']]=1; } $m = 1; echo ''; for ($i=1; $i<=3; $i++) { echo ''; for ($j=1; $j<=4; $j++) { echo ''; $m++; } echo ''; } echo '
'; $month=sprintf('%02d',$m); $month_name = strftime('%B',mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year)); if (!empty($months[$month])) { echo '


'; } else { echo '


'; } calendar($year,$month,$days,'?year='.$year.'%s',0); echo '
'; $next_year = $year+1; $q = $db -> prepare ( 'select s.id sensor,p.id param,s.s_description sensor_name,p.st_description param_name, count(distinct date_format(v.timestamp,\'%d\')) cnt, round(min(v.value),1) min_value, round(max(v.value),1) max_value, u.name_short unit from sensor_values v,sensors s,st_parameters p,units u where v.sensor_id=s.id and v.parameter_id=p.id and p.st_unit=u.id and v.timestamp>=str_to_date(\''.$year.'-01-01\',\'%Y-%m-%d\') and v.timestamp execute(); $sensors = $q -> fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); foreach ($sensors as $sensor) { echo '


'; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo 'Минимальное значение за год '.$sensor['min_value'].' '.$sensor['unit'].'
'; echo 'Максимальное значение за год '.$sensor['max_value'].' '.$sensor['unit'].'
'; echo '
'; if ($sensor['cnt']>1) { echo '
'; } } } else { if (!$day) { $next_year = $year; $next_month = $month+1; if ($next_month == 13) { $next_month = 1; $next_year = $next_year+1; } $next_month = sprintf('%02d',$next_month); $next_year = sprintf('%04d',$next_year); $month = sprintf('%02d',$month); $year = sprintf('%04d',$year); $q = $db -> prepare( 'select date_format(timestamp,\'%d\') as day from sensor_values where timestamp>=str_to_date(\''.$year.'-'.$month.'-01\',\'%Y-%m-%d\') and timestamp execute(); $data = $q -> fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $month_name = strftime('%B %Y',mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year)); ?>

prepare ( 'select s.id sensor,p.id param,s.s_description sensor_name,p.st_description param_name, count(distinct date_format(v.timestamp,\'%d\')) cnt, round(min(v.value),1) min_value, round(max(v.value),1) max_value, u.name_short unit from sensor_values v,sensors s,st_parameters p,units u where v.sensor_id=s.id and v.parameter_id=p.id and p.st_unit=u.id and v.timestamp>=str_to_date(\''.$year.'-'.$month.'-01\',\'%Y-%m-%d\') and v.timestamp execute(); $sensors = $q -> fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); foreach ($sensors as $sensor) { echo '


'; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo 'Минимальное значение за месяц '.$sensor['min_value'].' '.$sensor['unit'].'
'; echo 'Максимальное значение за месяц '.$sensor['max_value'].' '.$sensor['unit'].'
'; echo '
'; if ($sensor['cnt']>1) { echo '
'; } } } else { $month = sprintf('%02d',$month); $year = sprintf('%04d',$year); $day = sprintf('%02d',$day); $q = $db -> prepare( 'select distinct v.sensor_id,s.s_description,p.id as param_id,p.st_description from sensor_values v,st_parameters p,sensors s where v.timestamp>=str_to_date(\''.$year.'-'.$month.'-'.$day.'\',\'%Y-%m-%d\') and v.timestamp execute(); while ($row = $q -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { echo '


'; ?>