-- cgi util module local uci = require("uci") local u_c = uci.cursor() local tmppath = u_c.get("filemanager","config","tmpdir") local prevbuf = "" local blocksize = 4096 local _M = {} _M.statusmsg = { [200] = "OK", [206] = "Partial Content", [301] = "Moved Permanently", [302] = "Found", [304] = "Not Modified", [400] = "Bad Request", [403] = "Forbidden", [404] = "Not Found", [405] = "Method Not Allowed", [408] = "Request Time-out", [411] = "Length Required", [412] = "Precondition Failed", [416] = "Requested range not satisfiable", [500] = "Internal Server Error", [503] = "Server Unavailable", } -- call this function passing an empy table. use that table for successive calls. function _M.new(req) req.content_length = os.getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH") req.request_method = os.getenv("REQUEST_METHOD") if req.request_method == "POST" then req.content_type, req.boundary = string.match(os.getenv("CONTENT_TYPE"),"^(multipart/form%-data); boundary=\"?(.+)\"?$") req.boundary = "--" .. req.boundary end -- this is useful only if you have /tmp on tmpfs like in openwrt. otherwise can be set to "" req.tempdir = tmppath req.post = {} end -- this function is needed to clean temp file since and hide implementation details function _M.cleanup(req) for k, v in pairs(req.post) do for j, v in pairs(req.post[k]) do if req.post[k][j].tempname then os.remove(req.post[k][j].tempname) -- if file unused os.remove("/tmp/" .. string.match(req.post[k][j].tempname,"^" .. req.tempdir .. "(.+)")) end end end end -- del: delimiter -- return chunk (string), found (boolean) local function chunkread(del) local buf, found = 0 local del = del or "\r\n" buf = io.read(math.max(0,blocksize + #del - #prevbuf)) if prevbuf ~= "" then buf = prevbuf .. ( buf or "" ); prevbuf = "" end if not buf then return end s, e = string.find(buf,del,1,true) if s and e then found = 1 prevbuf = string.sub(buf,e+1) buf = string.sub(buf,1,s-1) else prevbuf = string.sub(buf,math.min(blocksize,#buf)+1) buf = string.sub(buf,1,math.min(blocksize,#buf)) end return buf, found end function _M.parse_request_body (req) local chunk, found, type, tempname, tempfile local param = {} -- read first boundary line chunk, found = chunkread(req.boundary) chunk, found = chunkread("\r\n") while chunk == "" do -- read part headers and get parameters value repeat chunk, found = chunkread("\r\n") if not found then return 400, "Malformed POST. Missing Part Header or Part Header too long." end string.gsub(chunk, ';%s*([^%s=]+)="(.-[^\\])"', function(k, v) param[k] = v end) param.type = param.type or string.match(chunk, "^Content%-Type: (.+)$") until chunk == "" -- prepare file data read if not param.name then return 400, "Malformed POST. Check Header parameters." end param.size=0 param.tempname = req.tempdir .. string.match(os.tmpname(), "^/tmp(.+)") tempfile = io.open(param.tempname, "w") -- read part body content until boundary repeat chunk, found = chunkread("\r\n" .. req.boundary) if not chunk then return 400, "Malformed POST. Incomplete Part received." end tempfile:write(chunk) param.size = param.size + #chunk until found tempfile:close() req.post[param.name] = req.post[param.name] or {} table.insert(req.post[param.name], 1, param) param = {} -- read after boundary. if CRLF ("") repeat. if "--" end POST processing chunk, found = chunkread("\r\n") end if found and chunk == "--" then return 0, "OK" end return 400, "Malformed POST. Boundary not properly ended with CRLF or --." end return _M